Chapter 2

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I got out of my bed and went over to my bookshelf and scanned the shelf for a title I haven't seen in a while.  

"Oh! This one looks good."  I said aloud.  I grabbed the book and snuck out of my room, stalking down the halls and to the staircase that led above deck. 
I carefully climbed them to not wake anyone.  Then I opened the door to the deck.  Crisp cool air greeted me, the stars shined as if saying hello. 

"Hello."  I replied with a faint smile.  The stars twinkled in response.  My smile grew.  The moon was nearly full tonight.  I've been keeping track of the stars, not just because they help on our journeys, but because they are simply beautiful. 

I climbed up the ladder to the crow's nest, then I wrote down the positions of the stars.  As long as the morning star is to my left, we're heading in the right direction.  Looks like I'm all set with that, so now I can truly enjoy the stars. 

I climbed down from my perch- I mean the crow's nest with my books under my arm.  My feet hit the ground with a muffled 'thump'. I climbed the stairs to the front of the ship and sat in my favorite spot.  Perfect.  Alone.  Quiet.  The temperature was warmer than most nights, making it pleasantly cool.  Only subtle waves were heard making tonight perfect for reading.  I sighed in contentment as I opened my book.  Then I lit my small lantern.  I didn't even get a sentence in when a suspicious splash and thud were heard back to back. 

"Hello?"  I asked turning around to face the deck.  It was too dark to see anything.  I left my books at the front of the deck.  I could always grab them later.  However, I did take my lantern.  I carefully walked down the few steps there was to get to the middle section of the ship. 

"Hello?  Cross?  Killer?  I swear if this is one of those weird pranks I'm gonna beat your @ss!"  I exclaimed.  After a moment of silence, I decide to go back to reading, when something stops me. 

"Oh... this isn't a prank..."  An eerie voice says from behind me. 

I swiftly turn around to be met with an unfamiliar face.  He had cold black eyes, and a hood over his head.  I could barely see him because of the little light I had. 

"This is an ambush."  He finished.  My eyes widen as he walked closer to me, making me back up to the ships railing. 

"My name is Reaper.  But other sirens call me 'Death.'  Do you know why that is, dear land goer?"  He asked, getting a little too close for comfort. 

"W-wait... you're a siren?!"  I exclaimed.  I was surprised... but hopeful.

"That's right.  And I'm called 'Death' by others because I've been cursed.  Anyone I make physical contact with dies.  So, now that I've explained that... I think you might know why I'm here... don't you Geno?"  The Siren said now an arm's length away from me.  I slightly hissed seeing as they were reaching out to me. 

"I wish I could say it was a pleasure to know you, but I haven't really cared to. May you rest in peace~" I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt his cold skeletal hand on my cheek. 


I didn't feel like I was dusting.  I opened my eyes to see that the Siren's hand was still on my cheek.  I peaked out from my eyelid.

"H-how..?"  His creepy voice was gone, being replaced by a tone of shock.  He backed away from me.  He was looking at his hand. 

He then looked back at me, his eyes falling on the large eternally bleeding scar across my chest. 

"W-what are you?"  He stuttered looking at me in horror.  (hHaHGaHAHaHaHAHaHaH-)

"I'm- ...half dead."  I said, moving away slowly. I need to get as far away as I can from this guy.

"Well, ya. I can see that. It's kinda obvious considering the giant blood-dripping gash across your body. How?" The siren recollects himself, asking more sternly this time.

I take a deep breath in before explaining in complete depth and utter detail. 

"It's a long story..." I said. I began inching my way toward the door. If I could just get close enough...

"Huh. Interesting. Say... where do you think you're going?" The siren asked. I froze in my tracks. I was so close to the cabin door too!

"Ah, ah, ah. I still have more questions to ask you." Reaper started humming a little tune, that caused me to freeze and walk back to him.

"Go. Away." I said again.

"Funny. You shouldn't be able to talk unless I give you permission~ You have siren blood. Don't you?" Reaper asked.

I nodded, still half under his siren spell $hit.

"No wonder..." Reaper was hesitant at first, but he put his hand on my chin, making me face him.

"So... why are you all looking for my people?"

Reaper's POV

I ask this question cautiously, my nails were digging into my palms. This is a once in a lifetime chance. I may never be able to touch a being again...

"We all have a family member, or want something from them." Geno said.

"Huh? Explain. Oh! And there's only one right answer sweetheart, so word it wisely." I said. I stared at my hand- it's been so long. I almost forgot what it felt like

I had to restrain myself from being too clingy.  I can do that another time if he answers correctly.  Even so, I'm sure the princes will let this guy go considering my circumstances. 

"Well, couple of us have family members, or honorary family members that we have gotten separated from or something along those lines. And the funny part is, is that they're sirens. Then there's the rest of us who simply are here to be pirates, taking a joy ride, and the people who simply want to befriend, or at least see a Siren." Geno explained. I felt the weight of anticipation get lifted off my shoulders. Wow. Ok. This means I don't have to kill them! I was ordered to kill these pirates because they were looking for us, and they were getting pretty close. But- now that we- I know that they aren't trying to hurt us... I don't have to kill Geno! I allowed a smile to slip through my lips.

"What're you smiling at?" Geno asked in an annoyed tone.

"I don't have to kill you~". I said mockingly.

"Not like you could anyway..." Geno mumbled.

I smirked at this.

"We'll see~" I hopped off the boat and dived into the water. I can't wait to tell them! I can touch someone! Something! It won't die! I couldn't help but let a smile form on my face.

This is going to get exciting.

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