the story of (y/n)

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Jack and June are considered the best duo huntsmen in the world. Able to kill armies of grimms in a few seconds and are able to complete many missions in a few weeks. When they graduated from beacon academy, they were considered the best to ever graduate in the history of beacon.

They were also in love. So they decided that they would want a child. So when June gave birth. They were surprised to see they had twins. They only wanted one child and two as one is already too much. They were fraternal twins so you could tell who is who.

You had gary. Someone born with a powerful semblance which lets him absorb any type of damage to heal him instead while storing the damage to release a very powerful attack. Making him somewhat invincible. He also looked like a generic anime protagonist. He was optimistic and was loved by all. He always got what he wanted without earning it and got praise by everyone for doing the little things. He had it all and he didn't have to work for it.

And then you had (y/n). The one that no one really likes. He was born with a defect which prevented him from producing aura which meant he couldn't get a semblance. If you were to ask anyone about him. They world probably say

"he isn't like anything like his brother so stay away from him"

Gary could do anything he wanted while (y/n) could barely do anything. Gary had the potential to become the greatest huntsman in the world while (y/n) didn't. Their parents give all their attention to Gary while ignoring (y/n). Believing Gary was more important and better then (y/n).

(y/n) never thought anyone cared for him. He felt like he only had himself. He thought he would never go anywhere in his life. He thought he was going to die as a nobody.

That was until, one day, he had one fateful encounter that would change his future and everyone else's. One that seems that not even fate had planned but yet still happened. That would change him and give him many names. One of them being


(y/n) and Gary were at their school. They were 8 in the third grade. Right now their teacher was giving back their test grade.

Teacher: alright class. I graded your test and now I'm going to give it back to you.

Shen then went row by row giving everyone the test back. Once she reach (y/n), she pause for a second

Teacher: (y/n) i hate to inform you that you got the lowest in the class again.

Every kid in the class giggles and or laughs at (y/n). Then the teacher gave him back his test. (y/n) then check his grade to see he got a 72 percent on the test

(y/n): Well, isn't this still okay because I still pass.

Teacher: But Gary got a 100 again.

(y/n): well did everyone else get 100?

Teacher: Well, everyone else got 85 to 90 in the test.

(y/n): So why does it matter that I didn't get a 100?

Teacher: because if your brother can do it then you can too, no excuses. Be more like your brother and study more.

Then she went on passing on the test to the other kids

(y/n): but I did study. For a week.

Time skip

School was over. Everyone left their class and were walking home. Gary was walking ready to leave until girls from their class started to walk beside him

Girl: Hey Gary, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today.

Gary: I would love to, but I have to get home so I can tell my parents about my grades.

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