Spying on the Hanbridges

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Tuesday, 17 July 2018

The day before the girls had been relaxing a bit more riding their skateboards, just as Croix had been doing a bit of reconnaissance in the Hanbridge mansion, exploring a bit more kind of serving to draw a map of how the whole place works, so they might even have a good idea of where to walk around the mansion, as well as the places where it might be safer like Paul's own movement which had been watched a bit in the places he was frequenting the most at that time, although they still hadn't managed to get any information regarding Daryl's presence which was quite strange.

That day was another call by Andrew, where a more profound spying would be done, and the day starts in a normal way, having the magic classes, as usual, where the girls are learning the basics as usual, since the day that Chariot revealed to all of them there was an alternation between them all in the classes for not supporting only the 39 initial ones, having to divide more to not cause too much magical presence and with that call the attention enough.
Until after the end of the classes the girls were released and Andrew was called to appear there to start another spying phase having his supervision, even the main girls went out since the day before it was an interesting activity to skateboard
At that time Marianne, Hellene Croix, Constanze, Andrew, Bernadette and Laura stayed in the living room, where Meridies turns on the monitor and also activates the robot thus starting the exploration for Luna Nova where she woke up inside one of the rooms of the mansion.

" Hey that's my room, Xavier had to leave the robot right in my room? " said Hanbridge.

" He who left it at first, I thought it was safe to always come back here to carry it, I didn't know it was your room there's hardly anything indicating that it is " said the Italian.

" Exactly, my father never let me decorate my room the way I wanted to, he thinks it's kind of classless, so I had to leave these decorations all neutral, so I didn't look like just anyone, or for that matter to be clear, I didn't look poor," said the Englishman.

" I can imagine how boring it must be, when I was younger I had to share the room with other girls, but at least I had a part for me and left it decorated my way, well let's go... Do you know where is Daryl's room? " Said the one with the lilac hair.

" Of course, I got to spy on this part and trace everything, I even remember that we indicated where it is " said the brown haired man.

Then the boy helps Meridies to guide her to the Cavendish's room, where she goes kind of furtively passing by after all there were some security guards passing by the place too, until she was getting close to the door, at the beginning they stayed listening for some minutes, just to see if there was anyone, after that they used a mechanical probe that came out as another arm that serves as an extra camera and when they saw inside they saw that there wasn't anyone there.
She opens the door using another robotic arm, which ends up being kind of sneaky and with that they gain access to the inside of the room, starting to take a general look.

" It's pretty neutral here too, your father really likes to keep things well intact, now let's take advantage and go through every drawer, hope also that Daryl is not " Croix said.

" Is she really at the mansion? It's strange that she hasn't shown up in all these days," said Chariot.

" Well anyway you can spy on whatever is around here, she must have left a piece of paper or some other proof " Meridies said.

And that's what they started to do, besides leaving a removable camera near the door of her room, they were taking a good look, but all the drawers and wardrobes were empty, not even false bottoms were found, the room seemed very empty without anything, what was very strange and suspicious, only that in another recording where Marianne was looking through the cameras seeing Paul's movement, she could notice the presence of him going to the door and from there seeing him going to greet Cavendish that was seen, what she already activated the bug, leaving the audio on speakerphone.

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