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Friday 22 June 2018

Two weeks had already passed by that summer in Luna Nova, many things were happening and passing by in this time, revelations were appearing, relationships were starting, in a short time this was an unforgettable summer that was just in its beginning.
The biggest gossip all week was about the beginning of Diana and Akko's relationship, that after a long time that they know each other, the two girls finally decided to start it, since they had jumped too many steps on the ladder to get to the top, since the step was too big to start everything, with lots of love, what wasn't so bad, after all that was what brought the two together. It was the main topic for the whole week.
Around the magic classes the things had already advanced a lot, the students were learning a lot of magic, the practical classes had started and all of them were managing to perform the simple beginner spells, what already demonstrated a huge advance, the 26 future witches were loving to spend that moment of classes, they were many compliments that went to the four adult girls, until the arrival of the second weekend that would mark with another event that would cheer up all of them, mainly because it was announced right at the end of the classes with several bags present there.

The day was going on normally, the 39 girls were paying attention to the classes, then doing the practical classes and returning to the normal classes, noticing that there were several bags with some things on top of them too, what already indicated something, what would be announced at the end of the class.
What ended up arriving, right in this hour Laura starts to give the explanation for all that were already very curious.

" So lassies, I guess you're wondering what we're going to do with all this stuff, aren't you? So... You went camping with Chariot and Croix last year, this year you're not going... But wait a minute, you are not going with them, because you know Chariot is pregnant, she can't be trying too hard, soon she will have Charlotte and we have to be careful, but that doesn't mean you are not going, because Bern and I are going with you, We will make sure we keep things interesting like last year, so get your bags and go to your rooms and pack your things, this camp will have something extra.

" Ah camp, it's full of mosquitoes, we sleep on the ground, and there's only one shower for everyone, it's all precarious," Hannah said feeling sick.

" Who says we are going to camp in the same place? We're going to the most magical and hidden part of Arcturus, it's part of your magic classes, as far as bathing is concerned, we reserved a whole part with showers and separate cabins for each one " said the Irish girl.

" Ah better so, then I won't complain so much " England said.

" I think it will and a lot, your mother complained a lot when she went to those camps " Bernadette said.

" Love! Don't spoil the fun " said the redhead.

" Ah sardines, we have to be honest " said the platinum haired girl shrugging her shoulders.

With that they all left the classroom getting their bags, and walked to their rooms, getting some clothes, since they would have a lot to do in that camp, Akko was all anxious and already packing her bags, putting thing by thing, in the greatest euphoria and happiness, following what was on the list that was asked, the most basic of the basics, the others were also filling their bags.

" Come on Akko, things aren't going to fly off like that, take it easy," Lotte giggled.

" They must be so hungry for it that they can't hold back any longer," Manbavaran said, laughing.

" Hey, and for your information I'm not abstinent, I went to her room the day before yesterday, we had a wonderful time, she is amazing, spending time together made me notice that, when she talks about cars, races and all that stuff, I don't even understand anything, but I would listen to that angelic voice for hours " said the delighted Kagari.

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