Daryl's corruption

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Friday 28 December 1990, Cavendish family mansion

Three years have passed since the mess Bernadette got herself into by fighting with her own mother for her freedom and with that she ended up with nowhere to stay until then but soon things changed when she started dating Laura McLaren, besides Isabella's support in leaving her granddaughter still in Luna Nova.
This concern was also in relation to her sister, who became Clarie's focus of attention after Bernadette never touched that place during that period and it was in this that Daryl started to feel on her back everything that her older sister had gone through in all the seven years of abuse, that in three years being pulled to perfection, she ended up instead of feeling an empathy and understanding how cruel reality was, Despite everything she didn't want to go through those ill-treatments, she just wanted to be the oldest and loved as such, what didn't happen, Clarie reinforced the speech that her daughter wasn't good enough and compared her to the older one to put even more pressure on her, what was getting worse for the younger one that was creating a galloping hatred for her sister.

In these years Bernadette was also investing in her career, since she fell in love with skateboarding and saw in it the expression of freedom, starting to train a lot, where surprisingly she was much worse than her girlfriend, who already had some experience, but that soon reversed when the Scottish was improving her talent. Besides also the graduation in Luna Nova that happened with both of them, freeing them from another place, what they got to conquer a lot together, with a future ahead of them.

Laura and Bernadette spent six months together after graduation living in the McLaren family home in Ireland, where in the meantime the title of headmistress was passed on to her younger sister Chelsea, as her elder sister gave up the title in the name of returning to the Cavendish family. And the day came, the two went on a long car trip to Scotland to settle things, with the intention of both living there, since all the bags came together.

When they arrived there it was evident that the tension was taking care of the two girls, mainly the one with platinum hair, that did not touch there for three years and already she felt the bad memories of everything that passed going up in her head, already with the anxiety to the surface, with many of the probabilities of what it would have the chance of occurring, when they leave the automobile there and they were received by the employees of the house that were a little hostile to Laura's presence, they go walking for the Hall of the mansion where already they are faced with the people of the family.

- What's that? What the fuck is this Isabella? Why did you bring her here? - Said Amelia Cavendish, Bern's great aunt.

- Why is the renegade here? Clarie won't like that at all! What are you doing here? You shouldn't be in the Cavendish residence! Turn around if you don't want us to tell Clarie you're here, we're giving you that chance," said Marie Cavendish the girl's other grandmother aunt.

- I'm not leaving, I'm back for good and you can have me! I'm Bernadette Cavendish! I'm a Cavendish! I'm here to show my place! Where I belong! You accept me for I will not stay here to do nothing! To bow my head and let this family destroy itself! I'm here to bring back new and good times - said the motivated Cavendish.

- Hahahaha! You? Do something? Bring the Cavendish family back to new and good times? Only if it's to bring darkness and ruin to our family.... Ah go back to Ireland and eat potatoes and stop deluding yourselves as the saviours of the Cavendish family! We don't want you here... Least of all your mother, so follow the path to the exit and don't disturb us, please... We are earnestly asking for the good of both of you - Marie continued to debauch the situation but the two did not stoop to those words.

- We don't want us to be tied to that, to the lesbianism of you two, a witch from a family that promotes love between two witches, and another who is a renegade wanting to take our ideals, go back to Ireland, you are not welcome here, continue your lesbian delusion with this leprechaun, don't come to tarnish us - Said the other aunt.

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