The mothers reencounter

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Monday 2 July 2018, Cavendish family mansion, Edinburgh Scotland

In Luna Nova there was a kind of protection and preparation for the presence that Daryl could make after threatening Laura and Bernadette, but in the meantime Cavendish decided to go somewhere else, just to pay a visit, where he spent some time in a car trip.

Daryl arrived in Scotland, to pay a visit to his daughters, who until then were at home, just like their other mother, the Cavendish gets out of the car and with some bags in hand is soon received by the security guards of the house that are kind of barring the passage.

" You're not coming in here Daryl, we've been ordered to keep you out," one of the security guards said until he was magically shoved into the wall, collapsing faint on the floor on impact.

" Are you going to wait? Will you open this soon or do you want this too? " said the intimidating platinum"haired woman.

The other security guard, afraid, gives way, pressing the gate button, and with that the pony"tailed woman passes through the gates and enters the mansion, which some butlers looking from afar are already running to the inside, terrified by the presence of that woman, who then pushes the door to the main hall and there were her daughters as well as Lucy Watson having tea sitting at a table.

" But what a beautiful family I helped to build," said Daryl, full of irony.

" That voice... It can't be... " Lucy turns around being amazed.

" Hi Lucy, did you miss me? Hi lassies, did you miss me too? I bet you didn't... You never even visited me, you spent all these years despising me, especially me the mother who carried you two in her belly and you too Watson " Said the older Cavendish trying to intimidate the three.

" What are you doing here mother? We don't want to see you, you've ruined this family. The aunts ordered the security guards not to let you pass," said Maril.

" I know, they tried, but I passed them by, I just came here to talk, let's stop being so vassals of Bernadette... Is that what you want for your lives? Are you going to continue being nothing, bowing your heads to your aunt? She leads and gets all the adoration while you are only known as the daughter of that one over there? You will always be in the shadow of your cousins, I love you both, I want to give you a chance to grow, I even want to help Lucy, how many years have you been Laura's shadow? You were just a reader of notebook while she was the one who was piloting and receiving the glories and trophies " said the one with the ponytail wanting to make a manipulation.

" You were the reason for all this! Let's not join your clowning around, our life is fine, I have wonderful daughters, I don't need more than this " Watson said.

" What about your daughters? Do you think they will share the same small mind as you? " Said the other mother of the twins.

" We're with Mum, you can get out of here, you're not our real mother, you never cared for us, if you did we weren't treated like dirt when we were kids, Mum Lucy on the other hand always treated us with the greatest love and care in the world, you took her away from us for our first few years, you're a monster " Merrill said.

" You are the ruin of our family Daryl, I have desires and ambitions of greatness, but I will not conquer by your side, I will conquer on my own and I know I have the support of all this family " Maril said.

At this time even a silence ends up taking over the house, seeing that the answers were very clear, not friendly, what Daryl already expected from his daughters and their mother, what made her open a smile, starting to laugh of everything as if it was just a random situation, she didn't feel a bit affected by the answers, what was causing a strangeness of the three.

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