Back to the roots

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Monday, 16 July 2018

Paul Hanbridge decides to leave his son in Luna Nova, even if on the way he even got to the point of crying a little bit, thinking about the risk that Andrew would run in the cultists hands, since now he is a declared enemy of them, what put him in that position that his father thinks that would not protect him, but on the contrary, could lead him to his own end, but not even that bothered the boy that preferred the risks than stay in the side of who he can't feel any admiration by the controversial acts and all the abuse that he suffered in the hands of his elder.
In Luna Nova things were easing up, some hours later Croix was starting to control the robot, calling also Marianne and Constanze, who were evaluating all the functioning, where Xavier took the advantage to take it to a hidden place of the mansion taking it out of the box and being communicated by Meridies to release it there that the machine would move with their control. It was a little bit of a slow day in that matter, serving to test the machine and also to keep the charge but it was already possible to see a little bit of the mansion with the presence of Paul filling up his face and then the place filling up with prostitutes. Hanbridge was drowning his sorrows that whole day.

On the other hand due to the plan having worked and quite a bit of calmness came over the place, so much so that the day after Paul's departure, with a new week beginning the magic classes were back and so was the expectation for the skateboarding championship that is 13 days away, Exactly at the end of the month and this time with a huge expectation coming from Croix and Chariot who made sure to call a lot of attention with several advertisements on the internet, calling to watch the stream when the day comes, even some representatives of skateboarding companies, already to start more professionally the career of some of the girls.
The day was starting like any other, except that after school the thirteen girls decided to do something a little different, return to what they used to do last summer and go out skateboarding taking advantage of the new skate track, but in the middle of it Hannah and Barbara end up denying it for not being such fans, but the others accept. With that the eleven get together at the new skateboarding rink and are even welcomed by some of the girls who used to train there.

" Ahhhh how wonderful, I missed going down these ramps and everything else, I can't wait for this championship " said the excited Hellene.

" Me too, I think I might also have a chance of getting a sponsorship if I do well " Amanda said.

" I'm sure Mandy, if I can do it you can do it too, I'll do my best to call you too to join in this " McLaren said.

" I will also be rooting for you, I know you can do it " Akko said.

" And you Akko, you're not going to participate? " O'Neill said.

" I don't know, there are so many things that have been going on that I ended up taking a huge break from skateboarding, apart from that I saw a much bigger dream to fulfil, I don't think I'll get very far " said Kagari.

" Well I'm sure! I trained all this time to beat your ass, come on Akko, let's skate, I really want to face you and show how I improved, in the last one you were almost champion, who will say if you train a little more " said the American.

" Maybe I will take part, but I don't know if I would vouch for myself as a competitor, anyway it might be fun, so I might take part," said the Japanese woman who heard celebrations coming from her friend.

" I'm going too, I want to have one last moment competing, I think I can go far, except that even if Hellene beats me I know I'd have a lot of fun," Diana said.

" Even you, sis? You see this championship has everything to be the most emblematic " said the younger sister.

The girls then start skateboarding, each one following a different direction, as they talk a little, but Akko and Diana are the ones who go together, arriving in the middle of a halfpipe, where the first to drop is Kagari who goes from one side to the other, doing some inversions, still a little rusty, so much so that in one of these she ends up falling and just kind of laughs at everything, while her girlfriend was worried.

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