Mecha battle

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Tuesday, 26 June 2018

The previous day was marked by being a day more focused on art, but also ended up having a little bit of celebrations, since it was also Akko's 17th birthday, even without the presence of the mothers, it ended up having a little party there by the camp, mainly because of the food issue that was easily made using magic to make the cake, being one of the events that ended up leaving the day at the most by the camp, different from the next day where it would have again another exit plan.

The day was starting normally like any other day, with the girls waking up in the morning and going to do the morning basics, being in the case the morning necessities and also to feed themselves.
The morning was practically the same as always, going by the habit of what happened, until the arrival of the lunch hour, where all practically at the same time were being fed there and with the announcement of another activity.

" Who here wants to go out today with me? We're going to the Minotaur village, that's where most of the technology is, we're going to have a look around and maybe have some fun doing something else " Laura said.

Some of the thirteen girls, Constanze, Hellene, Marianne, Amanda, Jasminka and Rita, and the other 26 girls didn't have many hands raised either. Sarah, Elfriede, Irene, Aira, Wangari, Kimberly, Joanna and Sòla all wanted to stay.

" Is that all? " McLaren asks.

" What's so interesting about this minotaur village? " asks Chloé.

" There is where technology and magic meet, they have the most advanced technology in Arcturus " explains the Irish woman.

" Ah, then I really don't want to go, I'd rather stay here " Deppailer said shrugging.

After this conversation the girls go finishing eating, the ones that stayed in the more continued by the camp with Bernadette, Diana and Akko were invited by Chloé for a game of Broom Ball against her, since the rivalry was still standing and a lot. As for the girls who went with Laura they gathered in the camp yard, already prepared to leave.
All of the group goes flying leaving the camp, heading to the minotaur
's village, when arriving close, they land near where seemed until a building with a factory, was very different of the elves' village that had a more medieval architecture, the minotaur's village was practically some buildings with a more modern architecture.

" We've arrived, it feels like our world here " Laura said.

" How can they live so peacefully with so many differences? " Hellene asks.

" For recognising and not interfering with the difference between one people and another, here in Arcturus there is not all the imposition that has taken place in the history of the land.

And so they went walking through the small village that was much smaller than the one of the elves for having only 4 buildings around the city, one of housing, another that was the factory, one of administration and finally a building for the commerce, and in the middle of them had what seemed to be a central square.
As they walked around Constanze pointed to a poster pasted on the wall of the factory building, the girls went to read it, written "Battle of Waves today", which aroused the redhead's curiosity.

" Lassies what do you think about us participating too, let's put our team together and build a mecha together " said the Irish girl until one of the minotaurs arrives near the girls.

" You can, but there is little time to assemble this mecha, we will start later this afternoon," said the minotaur.

" How is it? " The shocked girls ask.

" We have been announcing this for a few weeks now, but the reward can be great and good, you will want to participate, we give you all the resources of the factory to produce this mecha " Said the creature while the girls all agree with their heads determined, sign the participation in the battle of Mechas, which with this is already beginning to despair among all there.

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