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"I wonder how everyone else is doing?" Skeppy said, taking a long sip from the straw of his tropical drink as he lounged on a beach chair listening to the waves crash along the shore.

Connor pushed down his shades and sat up a bit more in his own beach chair to look at the shining diamond man. "Maybe we should go check on them?"

Lighting struck the sand next to him and a glass rose, filling itself with neon blue liquid. A small umbrella and a pineapple appearing on the rim. "No, they can manage two weeks without us," Dream XD's deep, echoing voice intoned as the glass floated into his hand.

"You're probably right," Connor said, lying back down, taking his stemglass in hand. "Hey, can I get another Mai Tai?" The glass instantly refilled. "Thanks."


Quackity and Wilbur sat on a hill overlooking Las Nevadas in the early morning hours; the grey light of the approaching dawn swept over them as they kissed. Finally, Wilbur drew back. "So what was it you wanted to show me?" he asked.

"I don't know if it's light enough yet," Quackity said, pulling him in again.

Wilbur smiled. "You're just saying that so we don't have to stop."

"F-ck yeah, I'm f-ing making up for lost time."

"You've been using that excuse for a month," Wilbur said.

"Do you have a f-ing problem with it?"

"No, but Captain Puffy will. You know how she is about being on time for appointments. Hopefully, by next month I can go down to every other day like you. Which still seems like a lot for you. I mean you f-ing saved the world."

"I also tortured a man for 87 days straight and then beat him to death because he made me jealous, among other things. I'm pretty damn f-ed up. The world we want to make isn't the kind of place men like us can live in without changing. And that's not a bad thing." Quackity leaned back against his husband. "I suppose we should just be f-ing glad you didn't end up in jail with Dream and Drista. Thank f-ck Bad was so glad to be out from under the Egg's control he was willing to let you go with daily mental health checks and extensive therapy."

"I think I see more of Puffy than I see of you," Wilbur joked. He hesitated for a moment before asking his next question. "How is Dream doing?"

"Better, I think. I mean he's never f-ing getting out again if I have any f-ing thing to say about it, but Sam improved his conditions a bit." Quackity hesitated. "Sapnap's been to visit him, and George once. Karl pushed for it, thinks it might help him. I heard that made him happy."

"I know you hate that thought."

"I really f-ing do. After all the sh-t he put us through over and over again! I really want him to be f-ing miserable. But you f-ing don't."


"Hey, it's ok to have some sympathy for the devil, I know you see yourself in him. Just as long as you never f-ing join him again." Quackity said, taking Wilbur's hand and stroking it, feeling his own ring on Wilbur's finger. He'd put it there before they'd left the hotel room, when he'd brought Wilbur out peacefully to everyone's shock. "I really need to have Sam make me another ring."

"The stickpin isn't enough?" Wilbur asked.

Quackity fingered the little pickax in its silver circle on his tie. "I mean, it's a great f-ck you, but I miss the ring. I'll ask him after lunch."

"Are you two kissing? Tell me now so I can keep my eyes covered," Tommy shouted loudly from the bottom of the hill, covering his eyes with his hands.

"They aren't kissing," Ranboo said.

Tommy uncovered his eyes just as Big Q stole a lingering kiss.

Tommy covered his eyes again. "F-ck you, Ranboo! You lied to me!"

"I didn't!" Ranboo protested.

"He didn't!" Tubbo cried, his fingers entwined with Ranboo's. "Big Q kissed him the second you looked."

"F-ck you, hermanito!" Quackity shouted at Tommy, then turned his attention to Tubbo and Ranboo. "How's the kid?"

"Michael's good," Tubbo said. "He keeps drawing you with us. I'll show you at lunch. You'll have to come to Snowchester to visit sometime."

"Yeah, maybe when things settle down a bit."

"How are the wings doing?" Tubbo asked.

Quackity spread his wings out, they still had large patches covered with bandages but seemed to look pinker and healthier than they had in a long time since he hadn't been able to bind them with the burns. "Pinfeathers are growing in. I don't think I'll ever be able to fly with them, but they'll f-ing look better, at least. Thanks for getting the herbs for the medicine."

"It was the least we could do."

"I'll see you at lunch in a few hours. Make sure to have the reports on the Tubburger repairs from the fire."

"Hey! You didn't invite me to lunch!" Tommy shouted.

"That's cause I f-ing hate you, Tommy," Quackity yelled.

Tommy flipped him off, grinning. They waved as the trio walked towards the muted lights of the morning city.

"I thought you said Tommy was like a brother to you," Wilbur teased.

"Yeah, a f-ing loud, annoying, younger brother."

"You love him, though."

Quackity grinned. "F-ck off."

Wilbur kissed him. "As soon as you show me what it is you brought me out here for," he said.

"Fine, I guess it's light enough. Close your eyes."

Wilbur closed his eyes and Quackity turned him to the east.

"Ok, open them."

"Ace Race!" Wilbur cried. "You built it!" He tackled Quackity to the ground.

After quite a few minutes, Big Q worked his way up onto his elbows. "I know you f-ing love it. And it was about time we got a real sport here. Schlatt's talking about becoming a personal trainer, though. I'm not looking forward to that."

"Sh-t, I f-ing love you," Wilbur said.

"I f-ing love you, too."

"Look at it in the sunrise!" Wilbur was so f-ing excited, he looked ten years younger, like when they'd first met. It was f-ing adorable. He entwined his fingers with Quackity's and kissed him. "This is our sunrise."

"Yeah, this is f-ing ours," Quackity agreed.


The End

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