Chapter 8: Starless and Bible Black

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"Where were you yesterday, mi marido?" Quackity asked as Wilbur stepped into the suite. He leaned in to kiss him but only got his cheek. It was weird, Wilbur was usually the more aggressive one when he walked through the door, not always, sometimes Quackity took the lead, but he'd definitely put Quackity up against the wall more than a couple times. Just a kiss on the cheek was unheard of between them. "We've got to get the public announcement of Phase II planned, it's going to be a big day and I want you by my side on camera. I figured it would be a good chance to announce you as our partner." He'd expected a smile from Wilbur when he said this, but Wilbur gave him nothing more than a weary glance.

"It was a long day at the burger stand. I didn't have the energy to make it back," Wilbur said, his eyes on the office.

"Wilbur, are you feeling ok? Maybe you're sick?" Quackity stood on his tiptoes and pulled Wilbur down so their brows touched. "You don't feel warm to me."

"I'm fine." Wilbur said, shaking free from Quackity's touch. "Let's just get to work."

The night progressed in the same cold way. At times Wilbur seemed into their work, he'd smile and laugh, then he'd glance over at the white board and those smiles would instantly disappear. When Quackity touched his hand, he stiffened, always finding an excuse to suddenly need to move away from him. At first, Quackity had tried to excuse it away, he wasn't intentionally being cold, maybe something was just on his mind, but as the night wore on and the evasion became more clear, it tore at his heart. It was rejection at every turn and he didn't know why. This night was quickly becoming one of the worst of his life!

Finally, well after midnight, he'd had enough. "Alright. What the f-ck is going on with you tonight, Wilbur?"

"What- What do you mean? Nothing's going on with me tonight."

"You know what, Wilbur? You've always been a sh-tty liar."

"Well, I'm not as good as you." Wilbur's tone was biting, Quackity was momentarily taken aback.

Quackity felt his hackles rising. "What's that's supposed to mean?"

"Oh, like you don't know. I know all about your little deal."

"What deal?" Quackity stared at him, genuinely mystified.

"You see... You see that right there is what I'm talking about. I'd almost believe you didn't know if I hadn't seen your f-ing signature on the contract, myself."

"And what f-ing contract is that?"

"The one where you buy Paradise Burgers out from under me."

"What?! And how was I going to do that?"

"Oh drop the f-ing act! I know what you've done! You've been caught red-handed."

Quackity saw red. "You know what? Fine! Believe whatever the f-ck you want to! You think I want your sh-tty burger stand? You know what? I do. I want to tear it down and put expensive cabins on that lake and charge people a f-ing fortune in diamonds a night to stay in them. But I f-ing don't because you want to keep your f-ing sh-tty a-s burger stand because you don't want me to have it. Because you are a f-ing petty, possessive, control freak who has to have every goddamned thing his way! I have moved f-ing heaven and earth for you, I've f-ing married you, and you still don't f-ing trust me! Like what's my game here, Wilbur?! What's my f-ing game!?"

"Well you don't... You don't trust me so why should I trust you?"

"I don't trust you? I don't f-ing trust you?! You have a share in Las Nevadas! I've given you free access to over a third of my money! I sleep next to you every f-ing night! What more do I have to do to show you I trust you?"

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