Chapter 33: Kill Button

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"Dad, what is this?" Fundy asked.

Wilbur gave half a smile. The bright fluorescent lights reflected off his glasses. "My contingency plan."

"Contingency for what?" Jack asked darkly.

The smile disappeared. "For if things go wrong."

"Does Dream know about this?" Fundy appeared concerned.

"No, he's one of the things."

"You promised me this was over," Jack said. "You said it was dead without me."

"Funny thing about death, it tends not to be as permanent as one would think. You left more than enough to resurrect it in your notes."

Jack stepped forward, eyeing a large hammer on the bench. "You need to shut it down."

Fundy grabbed Jack's arm, pulling him back. "Dad, why'd you do this?"

"Cálmate." Wilbur winced.  Even the sound of the Spanish clearly hurt him.  "Relax. It's only as insurance to keep Dream and certain others in check."

"Others like Tubbo?" Jack said bitterly.


"Can't say his name either?" Jack muttered.

"Jack, don't," Fundy hissed.

"No, let him speak his peace if he has a mind to, Champ."

"You told me this project was just in case Tubbo got to his nukes. Well, he's been to Snowchester and back and nothing. Now it's Dream you need them for. I don't think you need them, you just want them."

Wilbur shrugged. "You're right, I want them. It assures Las Nevadas's supremacy. As the head of Las Nevadas, and its majority shareholder, it only makes sense that I would want to make it the most powerful nation in the world. Is there a problem with that?"

"Uh huh. If you say so."

"Jack!" Fundy cried.

"No, Fundy, it's just another story," Jack spat.  "Whenever you poke a hole in one, there's another one waiting to take its place."

"If you doubt me as to its purpose, you can see for yourself," Wilbur said with a smile. "I think, despite your misgivings, you'll be pleased with what I've done with your design." Wilbur climbed up to the control tower and waved them to follow him.

Jack mounted the steps into the control room. It almost took his breath away. It was clean and glorious and exactly how he'd pictured it. Small and spare, it didn't need any bells and whistles, but brilliant all the same. From the large windows, he could see the missiles in their launcher, below them, the platform that would raise them above from the underground silo. He'd only been in the process of building it when he'd left, now it was wholly complete. He couldn't help but feel the swell of pride in his chest at it, followed immediately by disgust as he watched Wilbur's long, graceful fingers typing at his navigation console.

Wilbur spoke as he typed, "Here you can see each of the missiles has its own coordinates pre-programmed in and this one, this one is aimed at Las Nevadas. Of course, it has a delayed launch."

"How delayed?" Jack asked.

"Ten minutes."

Fundy said, "Ten minutes is an awfully short time to get out of the city."

"Plenty of time if you wanted to leave," Wilbur said. There was a strange note of sadness in his voice. "Jack, I know you're probably feeling a bit betrayed; but now that you've seen it in all of its glory, let me extend the offer to you to rejoin the Las Nevadas Project."

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