Chapter 36: Viva Las Nevadas

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The early evening sun shone golden on Las Nevadas as crows circled overhead keeping watch. Wilbur smiled. "It's a lovely day for an execution, isn't it?" he said. Phil looked at him uneasily.

"Dream, you should let me do it," Drista said. "I am the High Judge, afterall."

"No, it's essential that I take care of Eret. You can have Captain Puffy and the other two tomorrow."

"And Niki?" Drista asked eagerly.

"We're not executing Niki," Dream said.

"But she tried to poison you!"

"Yes, but that was the third time this week." He sighed. "I'm going to miss our little game. Attempted homicide gives a man a reason to wake up in the morning. At least, to wake up before you. I am sorry about the orange juice, by the way."

"It's ok, but are you sure? I could do it really good."

"No, she needs time to think about what she did, so she can do it better next time. Besides, she's still holding back information on the underground city. The part we didn't destroy to bring down Kinoko, that is."

"Oh! Can I get it out of her?"

"Sure, think of it as recompense for me taking Eret."

She screamed happily and raced toward the casino which served as their prison, turning only to shout back, "I'd still rather have Eret!" before running off.

Dream looked to Wilbur. "To be that young and carefree again, huh?"

Wilbur nodded. "So, our plans for the Kinoko District," Wilbur began; executions were all well and good, but there was still business to attend to. "We'll have to start rebuilding. There's no point in ruling over smoldering ruins."

"What are you thinking?" Dream asked.

"Well-" Wilbur crumpled his nose. He looked up to the sky as another drop hit his face. "Is it raining? We didn't have rain scheduled for this evening."

Suddenly the rain started coming down, the crows began dropping from the sky.

"Ugh!" Dream groaned, shielding his head with his hood. "We'll have to do it indoors."

"Wait a second," Wilbur rubbed his fingers together, the viscosity didn't feel right. He brought his fingers up to his nose. "Everyone! Get inside!" He shoved them under the awning and through the door. "It's naphtha!"

"Naphtha?!" Phil cried.

"Lighter fluid."

"Why the f-ck is it raining lighter fluid? What kind of malfunction is-" There was a loud fwoosh that drowned out Dream's words as the rain caught fire. Flames washed over the buildings and streets like a massive orange wave. The whole sky was burning!

"It's not a malfunction," Wilbur said. He pulled out his compass and raised his eyes in the direction of the arrow.

"You f-ing liar!" Dream screamed. "You had a f-ing compass the whole time!"

"You want it? Not that you're going to need it anymore." He stared out through the deluge of fire as three dark figures slowly appeared through the flames.

Quackity was walking in the center, his wings outstretched, shielding the other two from the burning rain as they walked beneath them. He was clothed in dark purple armor and carrying a large axe. Under his left wing was Tubbo and under his right walked Tommy, both in full netherite, both carrying swords.

"He's wearing my f-ing armor!" Dream shouted. "I'll f-ing kill him!"

"Looks like you're going to have your chance," Wilbur said. He took out his phone. "Punz, I need you and Ranboo at the hotel. Now."

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