Chapter 5: Direction

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Quackity couldn't remember a time when he'd been so happy in his work. He'd been motivated before, of course, motivated to show everyone exactly what he could do, how valuable he was. Maybe for a while with Schlatt, before Schlatt became an abusive a-hole, but that motherf-er never saw his f-ing value, never considered Quackity as an equal or even better than he ever was.

But Wilbur! Wilbur was a f-ing master manipulator! And it was f-ing glorious! He seemed to instinctively know how to get the most out of Quackity and showed no trace of any f-ing doubt that Quackity could do it. Not that Quackity minded when he felt the strings being pulled, it was a marvel to let Wilbur work his magic on him. An hour working with Wilbur and Quackity felt like he could conquer the whole f-ing world. It helped that Wilbur clearly believed he actually could, even occasionally seeming a bit afraid of Quackity's ambition, afraid and turned on by it.

And damn did Wilbur look good in that suit.


"My partners and I would like to make you an offer on your land," Quackity said as Sam and Charlie stood slightly behind him, making it clear who the boss was. "I think you'll find it more than fair." He slid a check across the desk.

Sam's head snapped at Quackity's words. Even out of the side of his eye he could see the deep furrows in Sam's brow.

The man on the other side of the desk stared only at Quackity, the positive side of being both famous and infamous, no one gave anyone else in the room a second glance. He was either the former Vice-President of L'Manberg, the one who stood up against the egg, or the f-ing maniac who was perfectly happy to use dynamite to achieve his ends. It really didn't matter how this man saw him, as long as he gave up his land for Phase II.

The man scrabbled for the check, he didn't even read the amount on it; though he probably would have been pleased if he did, Quackity wanted this on the up and up. "Thank you, sir." He looked absolutely f-ing terrified. He rushed from the room. Quackity folded his arms and smiled, nodding at the empty doorway.

"Quackity, can we talk for a moment? Alone." Sam said, looking pointedly at Charlie.

"Of course," Quackity said. "Charlie, go get the next person."

Charlie nodded, smiling his off-putting not-quite-human smile. At least it felt off-putting to Quackity, others seemed to find it pleasant. "Right away, Quackity from Las Nevadas."

Quackity rounded on Sam who jumped slightly at the swiftness of his movement. "What is it, Sam?"

"I was wondering, you've been saying partners a lot. I thought I was your only partner. I know it's not Charlie."

"It's really not your concern," Quackity bared his teeth in an insincere smile.

"Then why aren't they here? Why haven't I met them?"

"That's none of your f-ing business, Sam."

Sam started, he probably wasn't expecting Quackity to be so f-ing direct. But with some people that was the only way to get them to shut the f-ck up and stop asking questions, and the last f-ing person he wanted asking questions was Sam. That part of Sam that was The Warden who fancied himself some sort of law authority might kick in and that would be annoying. Sh-t, the first f-ing rule of having a business empire was getting the cops on your side.

Still, he had to make it look good. Quackity put an arm around Sam's shoulders. "Look Sam, the reason I'm not telling you is I want Phase II to go smoothly with everyone knowing they're making the deals with us, that they're investing in us. Our silent partner, well, let's say they've got a bit of a reputation and influence and I'd hate for that to... let's say confuse people on who they're dealing with. But rest assured, they're essential to Phase II."

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