Chapter 31: Bomb

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"Oh my f-ing god, it's good to be back!" Jack said, stretching from his place at the bar where an overhead tv screen showed pictures of the giant Las Nevadas flag waving from Kinoko castle. Fundy had taken up a seat at the piano and was playing some sort of improvised rag for the packed establishment. For once, the mood in the place seemed almost jubilant.

Jack shook his arms out. "I never thought I'd say that about this place. That was some f-ed up sh-t. At least it ended quickly."

"Yeah," Foolish agreed, his expression downcast. "Only what? Half an hour?"

"I think so. The Kinoko District now. Good thing Karl gave up without a fight. I didn't even see Sapnap." More images of Karl's abdication speech showed on the screen. "I notice they aren't showing any shots of the city itself."

"From what I saw there wasn't much left to show," Purpled said with a vicious grin.

"When did you get back?" Jack asked.

"About half an hour ago. Complete surrender, didn't even have to fire a shot. Wilbur sure as sh-t knows his TNT. Half the city was leveled."

Jack saw the dejection on Foolish's face. "I'm sorry, I know you really worked hard on those buildings."

"Eh," Foolish gave a weak smile. "At least they told me about the plan to blow them up, let me get used to the idea a bit. They've already got me contracted to rebuild it. So that's... you know. That's something." He let out a sigh. "I still have the old plans." He stared into the glass in front of him. "It'll never look as nice, though."

"I asked him if he wanted to get a drink with us, but you know him," Purpled continued, oblivious to Foolish and Jack's conversation. He drained his glass and slammed it on the counter. He laughed. "The world is f-ing ours now! A round on me!" he announced to a chorus of cheers. He winced and rubbed his arm.

"Your arm hurt?" Jack asked.

"That damn ewe got me good," he rolled his shoulder and flexed his elbow. "It's just a bruise. I'll get her back in two days." He smirked.

Jack noticed Foolish push away the glass the bartender slid in front of him. He put a hand on Foolish's shoulder. "I'm sorry, mate."

"I'd better be the one to do it, too. Wilbur promised me," Purpled went on.

"Excuse me." Foolish said as he quickly got up and left the counter.

"What's bothering him?" Purpled asked.

"That's his mum!" Jack hissed.

"Oh. That sucks." Purpled glanced into his glass, clearly somewhat embarrassed. Then he looked back up. "So I'm guessing he won't be wanting his drink?"

"Oh for f-ck's sake!" Jack grabbed his coat and followed after Foolish. "You can have mine, too!"

The bar door slammed behind Foolish. Fundy glanced up from his playing and Jack gave him a nod. Fundy excused himself and followed Jack out the door.

"Foolish," Jack called out, jogging in the direction he'd seen the totem go. "Foolish!"

"What is it?" Fundy asked, catching up to Jack.

"It's Foolish. Purpled was talking about executing his mum, right in front of him," Jack answered through labored breaths. He cupped his hands around his mouth. "Foolish!"

He heard Fundy suck in a quick breath from behind him, an audible cringe. "That a-hole. Foolish!" Fundy called.

Jack heard Fundy stop. "Come on, Fundy! I don't want to lose him." He turned to see Fundy with his nose up in the air.

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