"I thought you wanted to grow the business? If you didn't want this then why didn't you just leave?"

"I'm not fucking stupid. I know what you've ordered people to do to those who want to leave. I know you'd throw me to the wolves as soon as I tried. So I waited until you had no one else. Nothing else."

"You fucking snake! I trusted you!" Leo shouts lunging towards D.

D swings the bat hitting Leo in his shin and nearly dropping him instantly.

"I bet Nari's boyfriend is enjoying the time he's getting to spend with her since you're not at the bar," D smirks.

Leo can't believe what's happening. He's clutching at his shin debating whether he should kill D right now or go make sure one of the last people he can maintain control over doesn't get taken away by someone else. If he kills D right there in front of V and JK would V rat him out? He still hasn't explained why he was talking to Hoseok when he was only ordered to watch him.

It's too risky. He'll have to take care of D another time when there are no witnesses. No one to betray him. He runs out of the garage choosing to go after Nari and make sure Hoseok is nowhere near her.

"Hyung-nim wait!" JK shouts running after him. He's been particularly loyal to Leo since the day he joined, so it's no surprise to V and D that he would stay by his side.

"Hyung-nim," V says as D drops the bat and sits back down. "Why'd you do that? He could have killed you."

"Was I supposed to sit here and let him kill an innocent person?" D asks looking down.

"But...I'm not innocent."

"What?" D says looking up at V. "Did you talk to the police too?"

"No, I don't talk to the police. He had me watching Nari because he thought she was cheating on him. While I was doing that I found out they were trying to get Leo put in jail for domestic abuse. They had no idea about any of this so I started leaving them notes with information to pass on to their detective friend."

"Really?" D asks a bit impressed. "Why did you do it?"

"Same as you," he shrugs. "I want out."

"Since when? You're always the one he goes to when he needs muscle."

"He doesn't need me as muscle," he scoffs. "He needs me because I'm smarter than him."

"True," D chuckles.

"I started trying to find a way out when he wanted me to get rid of Mimi."

"Mimi? The one who took over his uncle's debt?"

"Yeah. No one knew that Mimi and I were friends. We went to school together and everything. I didn't think it was right to punish him for his uncle's debt. I definitely didn't think he should be killed for it. So I gave him some money and told him leave town."

"He's still alive?"

"I wasn't going to kill my friend!" He pauses holding back his emotions. "Do you know how hard it is to be told to kill your friend or be killed? Since then I've waited for the opportunity to take Leo down so I can have my friend back. I made a promise to him."

"You made the right choice," D nods. "We should probably get our things and get out of here before they come back."

"Right," V says rising to his feet.

The two of them gather any belongings they have left in the small garage and step out to their cars. Leo and JK seem to be long gone now, wherever they are there's no doubt that they're plotting revenge.

"D hyung," V says before getting into his car. "Be careful out there."

"I'm not doing this anymore," D says shaking his head. "You can just call me Yoongi."

"Yoongi hyung," V smiles. "Let me know if you need a partner."

"Keep your head down until the dust clears," Yoongi says. "I'll talk to you later."

The two drive off their separate ways with a new bond they weren't expecting. They know they'll both need to lay low unsure of what Leo will do to them for their betrayal, but they're confident they'll be able to get him off the streets soon especially when working together.


Leo: Hey I know it's been a while, but I need to ask you a favor.
Leo: Are you still in Busan?
???: Yeah, what's going on?
Leo: Some shit is going to go down soon
Leo: I'm going to need a place for me and my girl to lay low for a while. A couple of phones with trackers too.
???: You're asking a lot man. You know I'm semi-retired
???: Leave your girl behind, I can't take both of you
Leo: She's a risk, I can't leave her behind
???: I'm not a babysitter
Leo: I'll be responsible for her. I just need to get her as far from Seoul as possible, and soon
Leo: Name your price and I'll get it for you. Anything. But I know I'll be fucked if I leave her here to rat me out
???: What do you plan on doing out there?
Leo: Tying up some loose ends

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