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Jiwoo suddenly hears Seojun crying in pain as he was busy making them breakfast. He quickly rushed upstairs and found seojun on the floor right beside the bed holding his stomach. He quickly reaches to help him up

“What's wrong? What happened? " Seojun was in so much pain he couldn't even speak. He clutched tightly to jiwoo as he whimpered. Jiwoo didn't waste any second and carried him quickly to the car to rush him to the hospital. He put him in the passenger sit and quickly got in and started driving. Jiwoo kept on glancing at seojun . The latter was sweating so much and his breath became irregular with every second. Jiwoo reached for his hand and held it in his.

“Seojun please don't close your eyes we are almost there."

In two minutes he was already at the hospital. He quickly carried seojun luckily the nurses saw him and rushed towards them with a wheelchair chair and rushed him to the E.R.

Jiwoo waited restlessly moving back and forth Infront of the E.R. Panic started to kick in since the doctors were taking too long in there. He decided to call pilhyun and homin over. He also informed dakyung. After some time the door finally opened and doctor Seoham walked out. Jiwoo rushed towards him wanting to know how his boyfriend is.

“Are they okay?" Is the first question jiwoo asked the doctor. The doctor could see how panicked he was.

“Yes... They are fine don't worry" jiwoo seemed to now calm down.

“Then what happened to him? His due date is a month away."

“It seems he started contracting early. The baby will be here sooner than expected but she'll be premature so they'll have to put her in an incubator for the remaining month ." The doctor explained.

“Early contractions? but why? Everything was fine when we last went for check up." He couldn't help but raise his concerns.

“Well in his case we might say it's due to too much stress during this pregnancy. Sometimes that's what causes premature birth. But you don't have to worry both of them will be fine, premature birth is normal" the doctor reassured him.

“So at what time is the operation scheduled?"

“7 o'clock tonight. For now we gave him pain relievers and let him rest a bit." He checked through his records. “You can go see him now." He said before bowing and walking away.

Seojun was sleeping when jiwoo got in so he moved a chair close to seojun's bed and sat there watching him sleep. He stretched his hand over seojun's bump and gave it light rubs with his thumb. Jiwoo tried so hard not to cry at that time he had to stay strong for his family.

A knock was heard on the door and jiwoo already guessed who it might be so gave the person a ‘come in' and continued staring at seojun. Pilhyun and Homin entered and rushed beside Jiwoo.

“What did the doctor say" homin asked in a shaky voice. One could tell he was worried and pilhyun was not any different. They both looked at Jiwoo who had his hand gripping onto seojun's like he was about to leave him. Jiwoo let out a sigh before answer them.

“He went into early labor." Pilhyun and Homin looked at each other with shocked faces.

“Why, did something happen to him?" Pilhyun asked

“The doctor said it might be due to so much stress. The baby will be here tonight." Pilhyun sighed as he went to sit down. “ I really hope they'll be fine" he said.

It was finally time for the operation. The nurses came and wheeled seojun's bed to the surgery room.

“Would you like to come with us?" One of the nurses asked jiwoo because she knew he was seojun's partner.

“Yes." Jiwoo agreed without hesitation. He wanted to be there and see that their baby was ok. He wanted to be by seojun's side and hold his hand even though he was still unconscious.

Before getting in Jiwoo was given the necessary attire needed for one to be able to enter the operation room.

Once there he was shown where he had to stand during the whole procedure. The activity started and jiwoo watched the whole thing from the start to end. The whole time he was holding seojun's hand tightly. He became teary eyed when he saw the baby in the doctor's hand.

“Do you want to hold her?" The nurse stretched her hand with the baby Infront of jiwoo. He opened his arms for the nurse as she handed him the baby. He held her close to his chest and looked at her before looking back at the still unconscious seojun. He really wished seojun could be awake and witness their daughter's first breath.

Seojun was now stitched up and back to the previous room and jiwoo followed the nurses to where their daughter was placed—an incubator. He watched how she kicked her feet and throwing her tiny hands in that small box. Jiwoo smiled softly and wiped away a few tears that were starting to form.

“our Woomin" he said.

STARRY NIGHT  ✨(To My Star ff)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant