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Pilhyun and homin were now in seojun's hospital room waiting for the latter to wake up. They had already discussed and already thought about what was best for their friend.

When seojun woke he saw his friends there with him.
"Hyung, you're up" homin said which drew pilhun's attention.

"What happened, why am I here" seojun asked looking around the room.

" You got a fever and passed out. The doctor said that you were to stressed that why" seojun smile dropped hearing the words he knew what caused the stress.

"Hyung," pilhyun started " don't you think it's about time you started thinking about it"

" Think about what" seojun asked confused.

"Telling jiwoo about the baby," seojun kept quiet he didn't know what to say.

"I know you also want him here right? This is for you and the baby. As much as I hate him, he's still the father of the child and has right to know"
Seojun just listened to what pilhyun said he couldn't refuse because all of it was true.
Hi head is now drowning in thoughts .  What if I tell him and denies or what if he comes back and leaves us again.  This were the questions flooding his mind. His thoughts were cut short when a phone rung. Homin checked it and was seojun's phone, so he handed him the phone and the caller was none other than jiwoo.

Homin and pilhyun excused themselves and stepped out leaving seojun to answer the call. Seojun stared at the phone as it rung. He then said fuck it and accepted it.

"Hello " he Started lazily. It's like jiwoo didn't expect seojun to pick up.

"Seo... seojun can we talk"

"We are" he said coldly.

"Can we meet up, i have something important to tell you " seojun was quiet for a while

"Let's meet tomorrow. I also have something to tell you I'll send the location." He then hung up. How I'm i even going to face him tomorrow. He thought looking at his baby bump. He sent him the location of the cafe that's next to his house.

Seojun Left the hospital after the doctor prescribed him some pills. He reached home, homin prepared dinner, he ate and went to sleep. Well not really sleep. He kept thinking about his meeting with jiwoo the next day. Should he be cold to him, or should he give him another chance. He then just decided to let it be he'll just go with the flow.

It was already morning seojun woke up earlier today. Their meeting was set for 9 am. He woke up at seven washed up and chose an outfit. He made sure to wear an oversized hoodie that way the bump is less visible. Homin knew that Seojun is meeting jiwoo today so he woke up and made him breakfast before he could go.

" Hyung, will you be okay alone" homin said while handing him a cup of milk.

"Yeah, I'll be ok and besides he can't do anything to me"
It was 8: 30 when seojun left the house. He wanted to be there first so that jiwoo will find him seated and he won't have to walk to him with his baby bump. So he reached there first and chose a table by the window. He just had a glass of water while he waited. He was starting to get nervous. How is he going to tell him he's pregnant. How do you even Start. He thought as he looked out the window. His thoughts were cut short when he felt someone touch his shoulder.

He turned to see jiwoo Infront of him. He swears he can feel tears about to fall but he has to hold them in.
"Hi" jiwoo Started. Seojun just looked at him without responding.

"Hurry up and start, I have something to do after this" seojun said looking at his wrist watch. Jiwoo composed himself self and started. He told him about the day his father came when he was not at home. How his father threatened to leak about their relationship if he didn't leave him.

"Seojun, I know what I did was unforgivable but please can you not push me away anymore, I love you I really do. Can you please give me another Chance"

This whole time seojun was quiet trying to internalize all this information. So now the reason of their breakup was his father this whole time. He knows how manipulative his father is, he didn't know he could go this far as to ruin his relationship. Tears had started falling even without him knowing. It really hurt.

"You say you need another chance, if he tells you to leave again won't you leave again" tears were falling uncontrollably on his face.

"No i won't I've learnt my lesson, I want to be with you" seojun could tell he was sencere.

"What if I don't want"

" No please don't say that, I love you seojun please" Seojun was a crying mess he didn't mind the people around him.
" Can I have a hug" jiwoo pleaded as he stood to move towards seojun. Seojun also stood and gave him a hug. He really needed it. He cried in jiwoo's neck.

"Don't ever do that again" he said in between his cries. Jiwoo rubbed his back " i will never leave you" he said.

They released the hug that's when seojun noticed that they were so close and jiwoo might have felt his bump when they hugged. Jiwoo looked at seojun who seemed nervous about something.

"What's wrong" jiwoo asked still holding seojun's shoulders. Seojun didn't know how to word it. So he took jiwoo's hand and placed it over his baby bump. He then looked at the latter to see if he got what he meant. Jiwoo looked back at him and smiled as he wrapped him in a warm embrace. Jiwoo just suspected it but now that he confirmed it, he feels like he just touched the clouds. He hugged seojun tight. Well not so tight. And whispered a thank you in the latter's ears.

He broke the hug and looked at seojun cupping his cheeks.
" Will you be my boyfriend.... again" seojun nodded as he also smile softly .
" Can I kiss you " jiwoo asked. Seojun then tiptoed and pecked his lips. Jiwoo connected their lips and kissed softly cherishing every second. (Well the people in the cafe were too stunned to speak🤭)

Seojun Left the cafe holding hands with jiwoo. They agreed to live together again so jiwoo has to go to the village first and sort things out and then come back tomorrow to stay with his boyfriend.
" You better be here tomorrow or else" seojun said with a pout evident on his lips.
"I'm just going to close the restaurant and arrange My things, I'll be back I promise" he pecked his lips and knelt down to seojun's bump " Daddy will be back okay" he also pecked the bump.
Seojun was blushing at what the younger did.
" Yah stop it, it's embarrassing" he said as he patted the younger's shoulders telling him to stand up.

Seojun waved bye to his boyfriend and went back to the house with a smile painted on his face. When was the last time he was this happy.

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