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Seojun was now alone in his big house because homin had left the previous night. He set his alarm to wake him up at eight. He always wakes up at nine so today he wanted to wake up and maybe tidy the house up a little bit before his boyfriend comes because he knows how much of a clean freak jiwoo is. Sadly his sleep was cut short by a Knock on the door. He lazily woke up and dragged himself out of the bedroom to go get the door. With his now growing bump, he only wears an oversized shirt that covers up to the middle of his thighs and a pair underwear to bed. He says that's more comfortable to sleep in. He complained to himself as he went to open the door.
Who the fuck knocks at people's doors at such a time. He finally reached the door. he opened the door and the first thing he saw were suitcases. He then looked up to see the owner of the bags, his sleep vanished his eyes he jumped to hug his boyfriend who had his hands open not caring what he was wearing.

Jiwoo almost stumbled back from the latter's weight. Seojun had his hands around the younger neck and his legs wrapped around his waist. Jiwoo could here soft sniffles from Seojun. He turned to see the man in his arms was crying. He slowly rubbed his back to comfort him and it worked. He remember dakyung telling him that pregnant people are very emotional and often cry. They were still by the door and seojun was still on top of jiwoo with no plans of getting off. So jiwoo carried the him and pushed the suitcases inside enough to close the door.

Seojun clung to jiwoo like a koala, the younger had no choice but to Carry him around.

"Seojun" jiwoo called the elder patting his hand. Seojun raised his head to look at him and just hummed in response.

"Aren't you cold" seojun was now hit by realization that his thighs were out and he was pressing onto jiwoo with his stomach. He got off of jiwoo and ran towards the room and hid under the covers. Jiwoo cooed at his boyfriend's cuteness and followed him to the room. He then leaned on the door frame.

"Kang seojun" he called in a low voice. Seojun peeped out of the duvet only letting his head out.

"Come" jiwoo simply said putting his hands out. Seojun looked at him confused but he still walked to him slightly pulling his shirt down . Jiwoo embraced him in a long warm hug which he reciprocated . Their hug was inturrupted by the howling of seojun's alarm clock. Seojun broke the hug to go and turn it off.

"Do you want to go back to bed, because I know you haven't slept" seojun asked jiwoo who was still standing by the door watching him.

"But it's already eight and breakfa–"
"Pleaaase, I'm also still sleepy." Seojun chose to attack with his cuteness because he knew the younger couldn't refuse . Jiwoo had no choice but to agree. He went closer and seojun ushered him to sleep next to him . They both slept facing up. Jiwoo turned his head to look at seojun who was just staring at the Seeling.

"I'm sorry" seojun turned at the words and looked at jiwoo.

"For what?" Seojun asked confused why the latter is apologizing.

"For not being here with you" seojun looked back at the Seeling and sighed.

"It's ok, your here now aren't you"

"But still..."

"Let's not talk about the past" he then faced him again with a smile this time "we have a big future ahead of as" he couldn't help but rub his baby bump which jiwoo didn't fail to notice..

"Can I..." He said pointing to seojun's belly. Seojun smiled and nodded to him. Jiwoo extended his hand towards the bump and gave it a little rub which had them smiling.

"I still can't believe I'm going to be a dad" jiwoo said still rubbing seojun's belly. He then looked at his boyfriend who also had his eyes on him and mouthed a thank to him. Seojun then moved closer to hug him and pecked his cheeks. Jiwoo also wrapped his hand around seojun's waist and pulled him closer as they slept.

Jiwoo woke up first, he looked at his phone and saw that it was 10 am. He slowly got out of bed without waking seojun up and went to the kitchen to make them breakfast. He went to his bags that were still by the door and unpacked the utensils and seasonings that he carried to arrange them in the kitchen. He then opened the fridge to see what could be made as breakfast. He noticed that the fridge was lacking a lot of ingredients so they need to do some grocery shopping later today.

He finally finished making breakfast and went to wake seojun up. He was dead asleep so jiwoo had a hard time waking him up, he was forced to carry him out of bed to the dining table where he set his breakfast. Seojun lazily sat down and had his breakfast. He wanted to go sleep again but jiwoo held his hand and suggested they go grocery shopping.

"Really," his eyes lit up at the suggestion.

"Yeah, that way you can also go on a walk for a little exercise" seojun run back to the room to freshen up.

"Yah, you can't run on stairs" jiwoo shouted at the already disappeared seojun. Jiwoo  took the chance to take his bags up to room and found a stressed seojun looking for an outfit.

"What's wrong"

"I have nothing to wear"

"But you have all this" he said pointing at all the clothes scattered on the bed.

"They are all small"

"Oh, right," jiwoo seemed to realize that it's because of his baby bump that the clothes became small. He opened his suitcase took his own clothes that were slightly bigger and gave them to seojun.

"Use this for now, we'll buy you clothes when we go out," seojun grabbed the clothes and went to try them on in the bathroom and they actually fit. He then put on an oversized hoodie. He's not yet comfortable walking around with his bump. Jiwoo walked towards him and brushed the elder's hair from his forehead and gave him a peck.

"Why have you become more cute" jiwoo asked cupping the latter's cheeks.

"Well, maybe it's because someone missed me so much" seojun wrapped his hands around his boyfriend's waist and looked him with his cute puppy eyes.

"Yah, Kang seojun" the latter just hummed in response still looking at him and holding his waist.

"We have some shopping to do" he said pinching seojun's cheeks which made seojun slap his hand off his face.

They finally made their way to the packing lot after so much bickering. Jiwoo suggested he'll drive so seojun handed him the car keys and sat on the passenger's seat. They buckled up and jiwoo started the car. The grocery store was 15 minutes away so seojun decided to put some music and sang along the songs. Jiwoo swears he likes this new seojun, he so fucking cute.

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