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The drive back home was quiet no One dared to start a conversation. Seojun sat beside pilhyun but he did not look at him even once.

They finally arrived at seojun's house. Seojun wanted to Walk to his room but he was stopped.
"Seojun, where do you think you're going. Sit back down." He walked back sat on the edge of the couch he did not even dare to look at pilhyun in the eyes.
Pilhyun sat down and faced seojun.

"Hyung," pilhyun started.

" Why did you lie to me"

"Lie? When did i lie?" Seojun finally turned to look at him

"I always called you everyday to ask if you've eaten and what did you always tell me"

Seojun seemed to now remember. he didn't have anything to say.
"And now you are not only putting your life in danger but also the baby inside you." Seojun thought that pilhyun was maybe going to yell at him because of the pregnancy. That's why he was scared this whole time.

Homin was just by seojun's kitchen counter watching all this happen sipping some water.

"So hyung, what are going to do about the pregnancy?" Pilhyun changed the topic.

" What do you mean?

" Like are gonna tell him about it "

" No, why should I, we are not together anymore. He said it himself." he said it with a serious tone so that no one could see that he was hurt saying those words.

" Then what about work do you still want to keep working " he was concerned. being pregnant while in the showbiz could be risky.

" Yeah, I'll just keep working until it starts to show."

" Okay then, but I'm going to reduce the workload. You need to rest. AND DON'T SKIP MEALS " he raised his tone. Seojun nodded.

"So can I go rest now " he said pointing towards his bedroom.
"Oh yeah " pilhyun said standing up.
"Hyung, I'll bring your dinner. Because someone can't cook." Homin said mocking the older.

Seojun closed the door after pilhyun and Homin left and went up to his room. He obviously wasn't going to rest . The latter sat on his bed and took out a ring from under his pillow. He stared at it until he felt tears rolling down his cheeks. He swore to forget jiwoo but he couldn't bring him self to do it. And now that he's carry his child makes it even more hard. He then opened his phone gallery and opened a folder with only jiwoo's pictures. Tears streamed down his face uncontrollably. He really missed him and wanted him to be with him especially this time.

Homin brought seojun food and went up to his room to wake him up. the door was not locked so he just walked in and saw the older was still sleeping. He moved closer to that he could wake him up to eat. He saw that Seojun's face was all red his eyes puffy and he could still see the tears. Seojun was still holding the phone in his hand so homin took it to see why he was crying. That's when he knew the latter was crying because of jiwoo, again.

Homin felt so sorry for him. He has seen him crying most of the time and it's always because he misses jiwoo. Though he always pretend not to care about him anymore, homin knows deep down he still loves him. He contemplated whether to wake him up or just let him sleep, but he woke him up because he needs to eat.

" Hyung, wake up" he shook the older who opened his eyes.
"Mmh" he said with a ruspy sleepy voice.

" I brought your food it's down stairs "

Seojun lazily got up with homin's help and headed downstairs. There he found the table already set. He then looked at the younger.
" Thanks homin,I don't know what i would have done without you." Homin could see Seojun's eyes becoming watery so he went and hugged the latter.
"Don't cry hyung, I'll always be by your side no matter what." He said rubbing seojun's back.

" Remember the doctor said you need to avoid getting stressed. So please stop thinking about the past and think about the future hyung" homin added.
He then released from the hug and wiped seojun's tear stained face.

Seojun had his dinner and went back to sleep. This time homin made sure that he saw him sleep before he left because he knew seojun could be stubborn.

The next morning seojun was woken up with the urge to throw up. he made a few trips to the bathroom he felt like his body was getting weaker day after day. He kept wondering when his morning sickness is going to end, because that shit sucks. After feeling like he's done throwing up, he walked down to the kitchen to make himself something to eat. Whenever he looked around the kitchen all he could see was jiwoo. He remembered how the younger used to cook for him and how sometimes he taught him how to cook some dishes.

He shook those thoughts away and opened the fridge to see if he still has some ingredients. As he was looking through the fridge he heard the front door open, so he halted to see who it was. He then saw homin pushing suitcases. He closed the fridge and went closer.
" Yah, what's all these?" he asked with his hands on his waist.

" I'm moving in with you hyung, what do you think." He said with a cheerful smile on his face.

" Wait... what...why" he seemed to not know what to say.

" Aish hyung, how can I let you live alone knowing the state you are in. I want to be by your side didn't i promise you that?" He pouted at the last sentence.

Seojun went to hug the younger what did he do in his past life to get a friend like homin. He was used to being alone since his parents seemed to not care about him anymore until he met pilhyun and homin, and later he met jiwoo who he thought was going to be with him forever but broke up with him, the reason only known to jiwoo.

Homin took his things to the guest room and came back to seojun
" By the way have you had breakfast," homin asked the older with a serious face.

" I wanted to make it before you came" seojun defended himself.
Homin then went to make them breakfast because he also didn't have it yet
Seojun watched as he cooked from the kitchen counter.

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