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Seojun didn't even want to look at his phone because he knew his article has already been published and he was anxious about the fans feedback.

They arrived home and since he was hungry jiwoo went to fix them something to eat. Seojun just sat on the couch with his hands on the chin. He seemed to be in deep thought and the younger didn't fail to notice. He went closer to him and tapped him lightly on the shoulder which startled the shit out of him.

"It's ok seojun, I know your fans will understand." He said rubbing the latter's arm. He too was worried about what people will think but he didn't want to show. He needed to stay strong for his boyfriend. After a few words of encouragement, seojun eased up a little bit and went to have his meal accompanied by jiwoo.

"Seojun," jiwoo called looking up from his plate.

"i can't believe I forgot to ask you this, when is your next clinic appointment?" The latter wanted to talk about something that would distract seojun from today's events.

"it's next month " jiwoo could see a smile on seojun's face.

"The doctor said i could also find out the gender on my next visit" he was so excited saying those words and jiwoo wasn't any less different when he saw the joy in seojun's eyes. They chatted happily as they had their meal and time passed faster even without them knowing and it was finally time for bed after a long tiresome day.

The two freshened up before retiring to bed. Jiwoo changed into his silk blue pajamas while seojun just wore an oversized shirt with a pair of underwear which he was more comfortable with. Oh how they both missed cuddling up every night. They slept facing each other with seojun using jiwoo's hand as a pillow and both of his hands between them. Jiwoo liked how cute seojun looked with his head close to his chest. He couldn't resist kissing latter's forehead before he wrapped his other hand around seojun and said a soft goodnight.

 He couldn't resist kissing latter's forehead before he wrapped his other hand around seojun and said a soft goodnight

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

The next morning the couple was woken up by the sound of their door bell ringing. Jiwoo internally cursed at the person who just interrupted their beauty sleep before going to get the door. And there stood pilhyun and homin who just got in without even greeting the still sleepy male. He closed the door and turned to the two individuals. Seojun was now awake also, so he took a small blanket and covered himself up before coming to see who it was.

He slowly climbed down the stairs with his disheveled hair and a slightly swollen face. There he saw pilhyun and homin who looked rather happy about something and a confused jiwoo staring at them. Homin saw seojun and quickly ran to him and hugged him, seojun just stood there confused about everything that's going on.

"Sorry to disturb you from your beauty sleep but this couldn't wait." Pilhyun stood up and said looking at the couple.

"what, please tell me it's something good" seojun said walking closer to the latter with anticipation.

"well..... it's good news, the fans gave back positive feedback. They respect and support your relationship." Seojun felt his sleep vanish from his eyes as he heard the news. He was so happy and relieved and the same time. Homin covered him in a warm hug because he could see tears starting to form in his eyes. jiwoo also came and joined in the hug and later pilhyun.

The four were now discussing the way forward and seojun thought he should at least take a chance to thank his fans for their understanding. So pilhyun suggested that they do an Instagram live later in the day. After the discussion the two guests left and the couple were not sleepy anymore so they just cuddled up on the couch.

After sometime of just cuddling and doing nothing, it was now 9 am so jiwoo excused himself and went to prepare breakfast. Seojun finally found the courage to look through his phone and read people's comments about his relationship. As he read through the comments he saw some fans debating about the baby's gender. Some even came up with different names. He was so lucky to have such understanding fans. He couldn't wait to go live and thank them.

"seojun, breakfast is ready" jiwoo called earning an excited look from the latter. Seojun rushed towards jiwoo with his phone to show him the comments. He then sat down.

"After seeing those comments I suddenly remembered i have never thought about the baby's name " seojun said after sipping some milk.

"so, jiwoo, do you have a name in mind?"

"if it's a boy 'Sehyun' and if it's a girl 'Woomin'." Jiwoo said after some thought.

"so Han Sehyun and Han Woomin" seojun said happily. Jiwoo seemed to be in a little shock after hearing the surname seojun chose.

"what!" Seojun asked after seeing jiwoo's face.

"i'm just a little surprised you chose my surname after all that happened"

"well, I want my first child to have their daddy's surname" he put a small smile on his face. Jiwoo went over to him and hugged him. The two then continued to have their breakfast happily.

Later in the day seojun decided to do the live. He let jiwoo join because he suddenly remember he forgot to mention his name to the press. The live went well, he answered people's questions and thanked them for being there for him. He promised to come back to work strong and healthy. Jiwoo also gave them his word promising to take care of seojun.

After the live he called pilhyun to inform him how it went and pilhyun was glad it went well. Now that they don't have to hide their relationship anymore, jiwoo asked seojun out on a date tomorrow and seojun was more than happy to agree. He has never been on a date since their relationship began.

STARRY NIGHT  ✨(To My Star ff)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang