Chapter Two - Cahress

Start from the beginning

For over a decade we've fought together in the worst places. We've killed innumerable foes and done unspeakable deeds, yet we've also saved countless innocent souls, including most of my family, in our war against the ISC.

The largest scientific body across the known galaxies, the ISC hides in plain sight. They began long ago as a company intended for good, but over time, they became corrupt. Entire branches do as they wish, mostly without recourse, using the funding and support of the company to conduct vile experiments. We've encountered horrifying scenes and conditions over the years, but every time we questioned personnel, the answer has always been the same.

No one knows who leads the evil branches of the ISC. Cut off one leader's head and two more rise to take their place.

My teammates and I each began our own quests to rid the galaxy of ISC scum on our own terms, but when we one-by-one crossed paths, we knew we'd never find a better team. Commander Ru'en has a mind created for tactics, even with his grumpy façade, and I trust him with my life. I know I'll never find a better leader.

He exits the room and falls in behind Jokur as I approach the last barracks room. A quick sweep of the surroundings, swipe of my wristband, and silent attack later, and my team remains the only living creatures within the narrow hall.

Nestled in the caves of a barren mountain range, this facility should only hold a few rooms beyond the reinforced door. We had no clue tiny compounds like this existed until a few weeks ago—right after Commander Ru'en got his ass beat by a fellow Warrior Elite from Team 1.

The concept of tiny pockets of evil tucked anywhere along the surface of the planet is terrifying and daunting, especially since we intend to stay on Mai'CuS for the rest of our lifespans.

Almost a decade ago, we met a convincing and talented omega spy, Commander Minette, and her war bred alpha, Commander Draukir. They pitched their spiel of intentions and won our loyalty by proving their skills.

Our common enemy—the ISC—and the threat to our peoples brought us here. We need a place to live in safety. Mai'CuS will be that place.

We must rid it of pests first, which is why we're infiltrating this compound in the middle of the night, with no backup beyond our own skills.

With every room devoid of life, Commander Ru'en approaches the heavy metal door.

My gut tightens, the familiar sense of dread infecting my chest and sending tingles down my spine. It weighs down the tip of my tapered tail, but I flex my muscles and force it into a ready position.

Nothing good ever hides behind doors locked by the ISC. I can only pray that whatever lies beyond remains healthy enough for medical care or is already dead.

Instinct tells me we won't be that fortunate this time.

Using a fallen guard's key card, Commander Ru'en unlocks the door and cracks it open. He stands, poised to strike, with less than an inch between the door and the frame. Several seconds tick by as we remain on high alert, listening for any alarms or signs of trouble. When none arise, we stalk forward on silent feet, leaving a few yards between each of us for safety's sake.

The fluorescent lighting makes the white walls and floor painfully bright. I shift my knife within my grasp, getting a better hold on the hilt as my heart thuds against my breastbone.

Faint wails leak through the two doors, the sound growing louder as we stalk closer. Commander Ru'en and Thret head to the furthest vestibule, while Jokur and I crouch on either side of the unassuming door over halfway down the long hall.

More than three voices create the endless sounds of agony, and although none of us show it, the pain infects our hearts.

Commander Ru'en taps his own shoulder and crouches low. Three seconds later, Thret and I use key cards we took from the ISC guards we murdered to open the doors and rush in.

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