
Jay walked into Little Cups Bakery and took a seat at the counter.

"Jay?" Anne questioned coming out of the kitchen.

"Anne!" Jay replied cheerfully leaning over the counter to give her old friend a hug. "How are you? The bakery looks wonderful!"

"I'm doing really well, the bakery had been a great success. You?" Anne responded.

"Good as it gets really, still working at the hospital. How's Harry?" Jay questioned lowering her voice a little.

She and Anne had always been baffled by the break-up of their children.

"He's doing well." Anne answered with a smile.

"And Scarlet?" Jay asked and Anne halted.

"How did you know about her?" She questioned worriedly.

"She was all over the news after the incident at the game. She looks just like Harry." She explained. "Is... Is she Louis'?"

Anne sighed heavily and nodded her head, revealing Harry's biggest secret to the mother of the other father. Not that Jay didn't already know, but Anne didn't know that.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to tell him, I understand. I just... she's very pretty." Jay said quietly.

And it wasn't a lie. She wasn't going to tell Louis about Scarlet because he already knew.

"She is, she's really sweet. She has Louis' attitude." Anne laughed lightly and Jay joined in.

"I still don't understand their break up to this day." Anne admitted leaning against the counter once she set a cup of tea before Jay.

"I understand it somewhat. Louis has told me a few things. It's not my place to say anything, but I do know he regrets leaving Harry. He's talked about trying to find him but he doesn't even know where to begin when it comes to an apology. I think he knows Harry hates him." Jay said picking up the cup.

"I don't think Harry hates him... I think he's convinced himself that he doesn't need him though." Anne replied shaking he head. "Our boys..." she chuckled.

Jay laughed and then remembered Scarlet, "How is Scarlet though?"

"She's okay, a bit bummed that she can't play footie for six months. She actually burst into tears when Harry told her no she couldn't play at all and then she got angry." Anne answered as she wiped down the counter.

"Sounds like something Louis would do." Jay said eyeing the display case of cookies and cupcakes. "I'm sorry ya know, for Louis not being there." she said turning somewhat grim.

Anne offered a sad smile in return, "It's not your fault... we never saw it coming."

"I know but he left him when he needed him most, even if he didn't know." Jay sighed heavily.

"You know... The day it happened... Harry was going to tell Louis that day. He was terrified and when he came home sobbing I thought maybe Louis didn't take the news well. Then I found out Harry didn't even get to tell him because Louis ended it and then left with someone else." Anne responded moving over to the door and flipping the open sign to closed.

Jay stood from her stool and walked around behind the counter, something she hadn't done in nearly six years. She picked up a box with the bakeries logo and name after slipping on a glove and filled it with assorted cookies and cupcakes. She picked up a smaller box and did the same. Walking over to the cash register she paid for what she took and then turned to help Anne pack the rest of the left overs to take to the local orphanage.

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