Chapter 14: Evil meets Evil(Flashback)

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After Finally discovering that Max Steel was on Remnant and having dispatched a scout team to investigate before ultimately deciding to blow them up to prevent the populace from acquiring Dredd's tech, The villains begin scheming back on Earth in Dredd's new Secret Base on how to proceed.

Dredd: Gentlemen, Ultralinks, ( He began as he was talking about the Elementors, Toxzon, Extroyer and Naught.) Now that we've finally found Max Steel, the time has come to capture Max Steel and imprison him forever in a state of suspended animation!

Jason Naught: Master Dredd, shouldn't we find out more about this Remnant planet Max steel ended up on? I mean, we don't want to attract the wrong attention and make an enemy out of everyone there.

Extroyer: I agree, if we just go in all guns and blasting searching for Steel, we'll probably enquire the wrath of the whole planet's populace.

Metal Elementor: Agreed, as a general myself who has fought and survived over a millennia of battles and wars for Lord Makino, being patient and scouting for intel was always my greatest asset before launching a full out invasion.

Dredd thinks about it for a moment, taking in the feedback from his new allies.

Dredd: Hmm, very well, I agree, we need to find out all we can about this planet, it's history, it's defenses it's military and what other manner of lifeforms crawl upon it's surface.

Extroyer: I propose we send Naught and myself.

Toxzon: Are you stupid?! Naught I can understand, he'd blend in perfect with the human population, but you?! You'd stand out like a giant sore thumb!

Extroyer: Fool! I wasn't implying being out in public, have you forgotten about my beast forms?! Of course I know I stand out like a sore thumb, I'm saying that while Naught blends in with the crowd, I can stick to the shadows!

Dredd: Hmm, very well, but stay hidden! Still, I propose we attack at night, it's the perfect time to walk around and about without worrying too much about being spotted.

Toxzon: What about me and the Elementors?

Dredd: I want you to stay her and continue salvaging as much Makino tech as you can from the wreckages after that final battle. Oh and another thing, Metal Elementor.

Metal Elementor: Yes Dredd?

Dredd: It would be beneficial to our plans if you could gather every Ultra-link that survived and went into hiding on Earth, They'll definitely come in handy for the game I have planned with Max Steel.

Metal Elementor: Hmm, you make a good point Dredd, consider it done.

Dredd: Excellent, once we've gathered enough intel about our new surroundings and have established a foothold on Remnant, we'll send for you and the others, but for now this is strictly reconnaissance. I leave you in charge of things, I feel you're best suited to handle things while we're away.

Air Elementor: What?!

Water Elementor: are you serious?!

Fire Elementor: he get's to be in charge?!

Earth Elementor: this is humiliating?!

Toxzon: I agree! I should be-

Dredd: Silence!( He shouts as he sends an energy wave which knocks all of them on their backs.)

Dredd: Unlike the rest of you, Metal Elementor has had experience in leadership and strategizing in battle. Metal Elementor, see to it that no one discovers our new base, and make sure to be as discrete as possible, Max Steel may no longer be here to protect this planet, but now that N-Tek has saved Jim McGrath, they are still dangerous.

The Turbo Warrior of Remnant(Max Steel x Rwby)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin