Chapter Seventeen: Super Bowl + Babies

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The crowd was wild, like really wild, worse than I have even seen

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The crowd was wild, like really wild, worse than I have even seen. I knew the Super Bowl was going to be wild, but I didn't know fist fights between fans. The two people behind me started fighting over who was going to win. First it was a screaming match, then it went physical.

Where was security when you needed them? Since this was closer to the field, tickets cost more. You would think if they really wanted to be here, they wouldn't fight. But drunk people didn't care. 

This is the worst. Lilly went to the bathroom, so it's just me. If I get smacked next, I was going to be pissed. The guy's hand came really close to my head. I glared at the field, pissed off. I'm almost eight months pregnant and at a bigger risk. I look over at Asher, who is studying plays. The game started ten minutes ago with 0-0. We're playing the browns.

Asher turns his head toward me when his coach points to the fight behind me.

The coach nods at something Asher asked, and Asher walks over to me, more like sprints. He jumps over the wall and picks me up. I Yelp.

"What are you doing?" I chuckle.

"Saving you." He kisses me and uses the stairs this time.

Before we leave, he yells at the guys fighting. "Yo, have some fucking respect. If you had hit my wife, I'll be fucking pissed, and you will never see a Super Bowl ever again." The men stop fighting and nod at my boyfriend.

Wife. I like it.

This is the time Lilly comes back from the bathroom. "Sorry, I got lost." She huffs.

"Come on Lilly, I don't want you to sit in front of these assholes. I want you to watch Lora for me." She nods at him and follows us.

Asher coach nods at us. "That looked bad. You girls all right?" The coach asked, his Australia accent stuck out.

"Yes, thank you. I promise we won't be a bother." I say as Asher puts me down.

Lilly and I sit on the bench. I've never been this close to the field watching the game, it was cool. I'm surprised they even let us. Probably because it's a law suit waiting to happen. 


We watched the game, the scores were close, I was getting nervous. It was almost the end of the fourth quarter. Forty to Thrity four. We were forty.

When Joshph got closed to our side, everyone screamed. "Come on!" I shout, bouncing up from the bench. Josphe throws the ball to Asher. Asher catches it and runs to the goal with ten seconds left.

Someone from the other team catches up to Asher, almost tripping Asher, but Ahser doges him and runs into the goal. Lilly and I cheer and hug each other in excitement. "Oh my god!" The team runs up and congrats Asher. He looks over towards me and runs in my arms.

"You did so good!" I kissed him. He kissed me back, deepening the kiss. I pull him into a hug.

"We're going to celebrate so good tonight." He whispers in my ear, sending chills down my body. A pain in my stomach shoots through me. I groan and hold my stomach.

"What's wrong?" Asher asked, looking worried. I was about to respond, but the pain came back and it was worse.

"Ow." I tear up. Holy hell.

Then suddenly, I know what this pain is because I'm in Labor. Water rushes down my leg. I look up to Asher.

"Labor." I say. He grabs me and lifts me up, bride style. I yelp.

"What's going on?" Lilly and Joseph asked, but then they saw my wet spot. "Oh shit." They run after us.

"It hurts Asher." I say, crying.

"I know baby, they're calling an ambulance." I nod my head. These babies are going to pop out of me.



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"Ow. Ow, I hate you Asher!" Lora yells. The Doctor lifts her legs up in the holder. Lora grips my hands.

"Okay, another contraction. Let's see how dilated you are." The doctor checks.

"Okay, you're still at six." The doctor sighs and writes it on the chart. It's been ten fucking hours of my girlfriend in pain.

"Okay, the epidural isn't kicking in. Let's just wait one more hour and go from there." We nod.

"Asher. I can't do this. It hurts." Lora sighs. She's in pain, and I hate watching her in pain.

"I know baby." I kiss her.

Her mom and everyone else were in the waiting room. Lora wanted Lilly and I in the room.


"Okay, they're crowing." The doctor says, placing Lora's legs back down after checking on her.

"What?" Lora and I panic.

"Okay, we're going to have to do an emergency c-section." The doctor says, nurses rushing in. They take her to the room, I follow after her.


A/N: Babies are here!

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