Chapter Sixteen: Comfort

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I was scared

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I was scared. So scared. I wanted Asher, but he was somewhere else in the hospital.

Tears ran down my cheeks as I finally let it out, everything. My mother, Lilly's friend, and now this. I couldn't take it anymore.

I almost killed my children. "Lora, what's wrong!?" Lilly came to my side and pushed my hair back. I sobbed so hard, I couldn't breathe.

"I- I.... Asher... please." I sobbed hard. She looked over to Joseph, who looked concerned, he nodded his head and ran out of the room.

A minute later, Asher and my brother ran through the door, Asher first. "Baby, what's wrong? Are you hurt? Want me to call the doctors?" He riddled me with questions. I shook my head and grabbed onto his sweatshirt, pulling him toward me.

He laid next to me on the bed, rubbing my back in comfort. "Shh, I know baby." He kissed the top of my forehead.

I calmed down and spoke into his neck, "I almost killed our children. I'm such a bad mother."

"Don't say that, you're not a bad mother. Do you hear me?" His stubborn voice should've scared me, but it didn't. It made me feel better, it wasn't my fault, he was right.

I nodded my head and kissed his neck then him. "I love you." I said it for the first time. He looked down at me, kissed me back. "I love you too, baby."

We sat in a comfortable silence. Grieving over our almost lost of our children. The first scare as parents. It hurt, but it made us feel closer to each other because we knew at the end of the day, we had each other and that's all that mattered.


A month later

It was scary for us at first, but we got used to it. Since I was having twins, my belly would be double the size of a normal size belly. It was hard for us to cuddle, but we got used to it.

Sometimes I would be the big spoon, but since my belly was ten times bigger, now that I was seven months, I was twice what I was when I was in the hospital. Now Asher spooned me.

I changed my diet, I'm drinking more water and eating whatever I want. I wasn't going to let my mom boss me around on what I should or shouldn't eat. If my babies wanted ice cream, I'll eat it. If they wanted fruit, I'll eat it.

This reminded me of the time when my father was in the hospital, before he left us for someone else, for drug use. It was a scary time for me, I was four, going on five. At five, I wasn't supposed to understand why their father was in the hospital. It was the time when my mom started acting unusually toward me. When your father was in the hospital, all you wanted was your mother, but she wasn't there for you. But my brother was there for me, I was very grateful. But I couldn't help, but feel for him. How was he feeling when this was going on?

"Babe." Asher got my attention from in front of me. I look up from my menu.

"Sorry," I looked back down at my menu and ordered what I wanted. "A side of fries and veggies please."

The waiter nodded at me and wrote it down. "Alright, I'll get that right in for ya." He smiled and walked away.

It was the week of the Super Bowl. Five days from now, Asher will be playing in the Super Bowl. I was excited, but really nervous. Not that I doubted he would lose, but I was still scared, as I should be. He could get hurt.

"What are you thinking?" Asher asked, grabbing my hand and rubbing my palm. I didn't want to tell him that I was thinking about my father.

"Nothing, I just zoned out." I lied. But he could see right through my lie. He gave me a look that made me want to confess every lie I told.

"I was just thinking about my father." I told him, honestly.

"What about him?" He asked.

"I was just thinking how my mom started acting differently when he left." I looked down at the table, embarrassed to look at him in the eyes. But he grabbed my chin and leaded over the table to kiss me. I smiled at him and placed my hand over his.

"Fuck her and him, they are not worth your time. I love you." He kissed me again.

"Love you too!" I smiled, I can't believe I ended up with him.


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. Very busy with finals. :(

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