Chapter One: Game

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Introvert (Noun) - a shy, reticent person

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Introvert (Noun) - a shy, reticent person.

One word to describe me would be Introvert. I sit at home and read and work. That was my whole life. Most people would think that boring, but not for me, I liked it. I didn't have to worry about talking to people I didn't like. I was living life. My daily routine would contain me waking up, brushing my teeth, washing my face, showering, and starting work. Which I also work from home.

Then they are days that I hated, like this one. Today was Sunday, meaning I would have to go to my brothers game. It's not like I didn't enjoy going, I just don't like crowds. I couldn't watch it from home either, because I promised my brother I would be there.

I was going to meet my parents and my brother's girlfriend there. I just got out of the shower, now I'm deciding on what to wear. I want to look good, but not too fancy. Since my brother is on defensive, he's a big deal. So, just in case I'm on TV, I had to look good.

I put on ripped boyfriend  jeans and my brother's jersey. Once I get dressed, I put my hair into a low bun and apply some make-up. I had to grab some snacks and place them in my purse, because I always get super hungry.

The drive was about forty minutes. Once I get to the game, I go through the detectors and parking, and I finally make it to the stadium. I wave to Joesph, my brother on the field, and he waves back. I see my mom and Lilly.

"Lora!" Lilly yells my name and wave. I smile and wave back. She had pretty blond hair, she was tall, and had no curves. She was beautiful. I can see why she's an NFL girlfriend. She was a model, literally. That was her job.

Meanwhile, I was probably the ugliest family member. I had brunette hair, I was shorter, which made me have more curves. My boobs were a size C cup, but not the small C cup. The just about D cup type. And my stomach wasn't all that flat. I did workout, but I still wasn't perfect.

"Hey!" I walk up to them and sit down at my seat. I was the last one on the row, right next to Lilly. My mom rolled her eyes at me while Lilly smiled at me. I grabbed a granola bar out of my clear purse and started eating. I wasn't going to overpay for food.

"Really Lora? The game didn't start, yet. You're already eating?" My mother asked me. I was about to take another bite of it, but frowned and pulled it down to my lap. Lilly frowned and rubbed my back.

"I-I didn't eat breakfast." I told her. She rolled her eyes and watch my brother on the field, then laughed at what her boyfriend said. I sighed and placed the granola bar back into my purse.

"Don't let her get to you, Lora. You can eat it if you want to, okay?" Lilly told me. I nodded my head and sighed.

"I have to use the restroom." I lied. She nodded and I stood up, walking towards the bathroom. When I got there, I bumped into someone. More like a wall.

"Shit." I rubbed my forehead. Then the wall spoke.

"Watch it, darling." Asher smirked. My brother's best friend. I rolled my eyes at him.

"What are you doing in these bathrooms? Aren't there specific ones you use?" I ask Asher. He smirks and I gag. A girl walks out of the guys bathroom, adjusting her shirt, then smiles at Asher. I want to throw up.

"Yuck, you can't keep it in your pants until after the game?" I ask Asher. He leans against the wall, folding his arms against his chest. God he was hot. Joseph and Asher have been best friends since kindergarten. They have always loved football. Asher has always been a playboy. Even in collage, which wasn't too long ago. He still is a playboy. If you couldn't tell.

"You just wish it was you, darling." He smirks and leaves. That stupid nickname makes me want it to be me. Yuck stop, Lora. I walk back to my seat, the stadium is now getting crowded. After I kept getting bashed by my mother, the game finally starts.


It was eight to seven. So far, we are winning. There is one minute left in the game. I'm super nervous. One more play was being done at the ten second mark.

"Come on, Joesph!" I scream as Joseph tackles someone on the other team. Lilly chuckles next to me and cheers with me.

My mother scoffs and turns to look at me. "Don't cheer, you're drawing attention to us." She rolls her eyes. I frown and stop cheering. Why did she have to ruin everything?

"Mom, it's a game. You're supposed to cheer." I point out. She glared at me, then looked at her boyfriend. The buzzer goes off, meaning the game was over and we had won.

"Don't talk to your mother that way. Go wait over near the steps." He told me and pointed to the steps. I sighed and walked over to the steps, near the players. Joseph and Asher turned around and looked at me. Joseph looked mad when he stared at our mom. He rolled his eyes and strode up the stairs toward them. No one was left in the stadium beside families at this point.

Joseph yelled at our mom for treating me like that. Asher comes and sits next to me. He sighs, his warm body moves toward me. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and brings me into his chest. His chin lays on my head.

"You played well." I teased him, and he chuckled.

"I know." We pull apart. I sighed, when I heard yelling.

"Don't you fucking talk to her like that." My brother yelled.

"I'm gonna go." I tell Asher and we get up.

"Oh okay. See ya, darling." He winks and walks away to a girl. He smiles, and she laughs at something he said. Great, back to old playboy Asher. I can't help, but like both of his personality's.

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