Chapter Ten: Insecurity

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After yesterday, I was afraid to see my brother again

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After yesterday, I was afraid to see my brother again. I might actually throw up on him again. The con about being pregnant is always me throwing up, no matter what. Someone might tell me about cheese, and I will literally throw up on them. I gag just thinking about it. Now if someone tells me about chocolate cake, they will be my new best friend.

A pro about being pregnant is, I'm always horny, in the bedroom, horny. Bathroom; horny. I'm always horny. Asher and I have been going out it like dogs. I once had to wake him up in the middle of the night so we could have sex. I didn't think he minded after I had given him a blow job.

Anyway, don't get pregnant unless you want to have a lot of sex. "Asher!" I called out, he was in the bathroom.

"What?" He mumbled. He was brushing his teeth, it was five am. He has to leave early for his away game. I couldn't go because I have a deadline, number one. And number two, I'm not supposed to limit my traveling, so I can be close to the doctor. 

"Call in sick, then we can have sex all day. It will be a sexthon." I pouted from the bed. My leg hugging a pillow, wishing it was Asher.

"As much as I love that idea, I have to go baby. Coach will kill me if I don't." He came out of the bathroom and laid on the bed, kissing me.

I pouted more, tears picked at my eyes. I'm crying. "Baby, don't cry. Please. I will be back tomorrow night." He says and wipes my tears.

"Who am I going to sleep with? What if the baby kicks? Or what if I'm starving and I can't get out of bed?" I cry more thinking about it.

"Babe, you won't. I promise. I will call you every chance I can get, okay?" He wipes my tears, and I nodded my head.

"Can we have sex for the last time? A day is a lot." I ask and pout. It's crazy how Asher changed me into a sex addict. He chuckles and nods his head.


I type my last sentence on my draft. I have been writing all day. I crack my knuckles and close my laptop. This was a start of a new series, thanks to the two books I read yesterday. It was a football romance and a guy with daddy issues. Who doesn't love that?

My phone rings, interrupting my thoughts. It was Asher, I answered right away.

"Hi babe!" I said happily. He sighed into the phone and replied.

"Hey" He yawned.

"Jet lagged?" I thought.

"Yeah, and the coach gave us this whole lecture. Since you know, this is the last game before championships." He said.

"Can't wait!" I told him.

"Just wanted to call you before I take a nap. Where are you going to watch the game?" He asked.

"I think Lilly and I are going to watch it in the living room. Then Ryan's wife is coming over with their kids." I told him.

"Oh yeah, Ryan told me about that. Okay, I'm going to get in a two hour nap before I have to go to the stadium." He yawned again. He's making me tired.

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