PART 18: Heres The Thing

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I forgot about the cameras.

It hadn't occurred to her at first. Her first thought was that Kira had pulled some strings and set her up. In her panic, she'd forgotten about what she thought to be one of the simplest things when it came to not getting caught.

Lila placed a hand on her knee to stop it from bouncing. She was better than this. She needed to be calm. It was just a few questions.

She and Felix had been separately escorted to another building. Neither of them resisted--not out loud, at least. She hadn't seen him since the confrontation in the hallway.

The room she currently sat in wasn't cold and dimly lit like she thought it would be. In fact, it was the exact opposite. The walls were an office white and she was seated behind a modern black desk. It was cold, but not so cold that it scared her. The only way out was a door behind her, which had been locked as soon as she sat down.

Lila brushed a hand against her cheek.
She could still feel Raina's touch on her face, the way her sharp nails had threatened to stab into her.

It'd been years since she interacted with Kira's mother. She remembered when she was younger and actually got along with the Blanchets, and the excitement that took over her when was allowed to peek in one of her sketchbooks. But she forgot how cold she could be when it was necessary.

The door opened, and a man dressed similarly to the guard she saw the other night walked in. 

I'm about to lie to law enforcement. God, at this point, the world is giving me no choice but to be a horrible person.

She had no idea where Felix was, she could only assume that he was in the same situation. But she wasn't worried about him. If she was going to work with him, she had to trust that he knew what she was doing. No, if anything she was worried about herself. Lying was her specialty, whether she liked it or not. She just never thought she'd have to use her skills for something like this.

The man sat down across from her and folded his hands on the table. Meanwhile, she had to dig her nails out of the sleeves of her jacket before she even looked up.

"Relax, alright?" he said, dropping a folder onto the table. "I just want to know what you know. Simple as that."

Not simple at all.

Lila let out a sigh. Every memory of that night needed to be locked away for the time being. 

I know nothing. No window, no guards, no Felix. Nothing.

"Alright, let's get some confirmation," he started. "Name?"

She raised an eyebrow. "I thought you already had all the information like that. Why do you have to--"

He sent her a look, and she went quiet.
"Nevermind," she muttered.

She knew why. She hated when she had to dumb herself down, but sometimes it came to be useful. It only took her a second to realize that here, in this room, too much ignorance would be a point for Kira. At the same time, acting like she knew exactly what happened would make her a target.

Relax. Just talk. Don't hesitate for too long.

"Anyway." The officer tapped his pen onto the folder impatiently. "Name."

She quickly shook her head, snapping herself out of her thoughts. "Oh, right," she said. "Lila."

"Full name."

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