T W E N T Y - T W O

Start from the beginning

"I do enjoy this game of ours so much Lemon drop" he crunched down on his candy "Zephyr on the other hand? Not so much. When I told him you escaped again, he nearly had a coronary."

I snarled again, curling my lip in disdain at his words.

I didn't care about Zephyr nor did I care about what I needed to do right now in order to save my cousin from the literal pits of hell. 

Xenos ignored my second warning, instead focusing on unraveling his second Lolli in from of me. 

When he took the first slow lick, and his locked eyes with mine, a smirk formed at the corner of his full lips.

A zing of heat shot through me at the unexpected move.

I, being that sane person that I was, chose to not only ignore the heat but also ignore the current feelings bubbling up inside of me at the move.

Confusion...Anger...and the most unexpected...Lust. 

"You should know by now Lemon drop that there's no place you'll be able to go where I won't find you" his smirk grew "And not just because of the little mate link we currently have going on." 

I shifted, knowing that in order to get the upper hand, I would have to be smarter than I was last time. 

The smirk dropped from his face as his nostrils slightly flared, his eyes never leaving mine. 

"You got what you wanted" I said, "The next clue. Just let me go already. I'm of no use to you anymore." 

"No can do ómorfo korítsi" he smiled at me "Give yourself more credit. You're way more useful than you know." 

"Xenos, let's be real" I sighed, taking cautious steps towards him "I'm more of a nuisance for you guys. I'll only be in the way. You'd have a much better chance of completing this mission without me adding on dead weight to your coattails." 

"Hmm..." he licked the stupid candy again, eyeing my approaching form curiously. 

His gaze never once left mine and somehow, for someone like me, that made another flash of heat travel through my body. 

I couldn't help it, I let out an involuntary shiver. 

Something that didn't go unnoticed by Xenos. 

With a smirk still in place, he shrugged out of his denim jacket and handed it over to me as soon as I was close enough. 

I just stared at it. 

"I'd think it'll benefit us both if you put this on" he said, adding at the last minute "And come back with me." 

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