xii: greece week

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It was Chance's and Evan's week for banquet and everybody was in a rush to get the finishing touches on. Just as Cecilia came in, everybody was now hard at work doing the dishes and whatnot.

She looked at the menu for today and was quite amazed.

As usual, she helped with the dishes and was chatting about with the rest of the staff. By now, they are family to her and they created such a strong bond.

They all talked for a bit before the service started.

There was no trace of Evan or Chance. But, everybody knew that Chance would be the face of the night while Evan would be in the back making the meals.

It was about an hour before the service really started to kick in and that's when Cecilia started to start bussing tables. She went on the floor, looking like a mess.

"What's good?"

She turned to the sound of Evan's voice and found him at the front, all dressed up. He wore a blue suit and his hair was in a little man bun.

Cecilia was speechless.

"I wasn't expecting you to be the one up front, I honestly thought it would have been Chance."

"Oh, we fought about it, but he agreed to be in the back. He can deal with chef more than I could."

"Is that so?"

"Do not let me be in the same room as chef when i'm angry."

"Wasn't planning on it."

Suddenly, a table was waiting right there, Cecilia went back to her table duties and Evan was sitting a table down.

Really, quite a shocker that it was him being the face, he seemed much too shy for that.

The shift went on and Cecilia was going in and out of the kitchen. While the service was dying down, she saw Evan changing the music for a quick second. He was playing an ost from Super Mario Odyssey. The sea kingdom added with some background wave music.

He looked up and saw Cecilia enjoying the music.

"You like it?" He asked.

"Yeah. It fits the theme of "an afternoon in greece,", it's relaxing and feels so close to home. Isn't it from super mario sunshine? Wait no, odyssey. I always think of sunshine every time I hear a beach theme like that."

Evan was impressed.

"Wow, I didn't think that you would take notice."

"I'm a sucker for video game osts." Cecilia admitted.

Evan cracked into a slight smile.

"Would've never thought that about you."

"EVAN!" One of the waiters called from the front.

He rolled his eyes and went back to the front, slightly bumping into Cecilia on the way.

She rubbed her shoulder and went on with her business as well.

Cecilia was in and out of the bussing station and soon enough, she looked up and saw Evan staring at her. He was slightly nibbling on a pen and his eyes flickered with light when they locked eyes. What's crazy was that they both were on different sides of the room.

Finally, Cecilia was about to do one last quick check when she saw Evan appear from the door.

"I needed a break."

Cecilia crossed her arms, she started to feel a strange sensation in her, almost like a fireball has been trapped in her body.

"How is it out there?"

"It was bad for a bit, but it's dead now."


She smirked.

"You actually look really good in that suit."

"Well, I mean, I wore it for you."

A bomb exploded.

Cecilia felt herself growing red and words were the last thing that her mind could compute.

Evan inched closer.

"I chose blue because of your eyes. They're hypnotizing, as they hold all the beauty in the cosmos for you. Although, your shade of blue is bright and innocent while mine is more muted."

He and her were only inches apart.

"Alright, Mr Sweet Talker." Cecilia said with some sass.

Evan smirked.

"You're an interesting one."

He felt hypnotized by her.


Somebody else grabbed him this time.

"What in the world are you doing with Cecilia?"

"Nothing, why would I be doing anything with her?"

He was back to his old self.

Cecilia stood there for a minute, trying to process what in the world had just happened.

She went back to the kitchen and just as she turned in, there was the call for family meal. Everybody ran in and that's when Chance opened the door.

"Woah woah woah! You all must be starving!"

"And I fucking am."

Evan appeared out of nowhere and pushed Cecilia out of the way and grabbed a plate.

Cecilia fell into a rack.

"Evan! What in the world was that?" One of the guys scolded him.

He just shrugged.

Cecilia picked herself up and pretended like everything was fine, but it really wasn't. She was on the verge of tears and as much as she could hide it, she just decided to leave the room and hid in the bathroom to compose herself.

"I'm just stressed from today, being the face is more draining than it seems."

"So, you just push girls to relax? Cecilia is literally the last person that you should do that to."

"She's an annoying bitch, that's what she is. She's a pussy, you could see that she was about to cry. It's the first year girls."

"Just because she is a first year doesn't mean anything." Chance finally scolded. "Apologize to her, she didn't do anything to you."

She had eyes for Joseph, that's what it was.

Cecilia came out of the bathroom, after crying for a few minutes and splashing some water on her face. By now, her hat was off and her hair was out, she was taking a deep breath and untying her apron.

"Hey first year."

Evan appeared from the banquet entrance, he had a meal in his hands.

"What do you want this time?"

He walked closer to her.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. You were stressed. I just didn't want to get you even more stressed."

"That doesn't matter."

"Somebody scolded you about it?"

"Yes, but... another way of apologizing is I brought you a plate, a sampler platter, just how you like it."

Cecilia felt her stomach growl.

"You didn't have to."

"I insist. Let's go."

They walked to the hall and he put her meal down and pulled up her chair.

"Only the best for you."

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