xxvi: spring semester

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Soon enough, the beginning of the spring semester had started.

Cecilia had classes 5 days a week and started to work 4 days a week on top of classes too. She wanted to redeem herself from the disaster that was last semester.

She remembered that Joesph said that he had trouble with signing up for classes, so she sent him a text.

"Hey! Let me know if you have any trouble with signing up for classes this semester :)"

For now, she had to focus on herself, she had a class at 8am on a Monday no less.

Her class was full of familiar faces. Addy, Chichi, Bailey, a few other people too. And, she recongized Smiley and Wizzy from her Wednesday night class.

Professor Reuben came in with his 16 oz wawa coffee and his laptop.

"Good morning, today we are going to be reviewing a few kitchen guidelines and basically making fun of cooks on youtube and point out their flaws."

Everybody laughed.

It was a fun first day, filled with games around the kitchen and the chef that called an onion "an onyo". Cecilia felt back at peace with herself, almost as if the last semester never happened.

Class got out early, so she decided to go and get a drink at the campus coffee bar. While there, she reconnected with one of her old friends, Faye. Faye had a story of her own to tell as well, and many friends that she made in what seemed like overnight.

It wasn't until she had to go back that time started to go slowly. Professor Reuben's weaknesses were lectures. He could make a 10 minute discussion turn into 20. Full of wisdom yet at the same time, not really smart with time.

As the day came to a close, Cecilia went back to her car only for to notice a certain car was there that wasn't supposed to be.

She read that license plate and instantly recognized the car.

What was he doing here?

"I must be tired." Cecilia felt her head and it was a little warm, so she went home.

The sight of that car scared her for the rest of the night.

The next day, she went into work for the morning. Her next class was at 6 at night, so she had a lot of time on her hands.

She arrived on campus that night, Addy was eating a dinner that her mom made, which was a salad of some sort with a whole carrot in there.

"I've never had a class this late before." Addy tried to eat the carrot as she and Cecilia sat.

"Me either." Cecilia stretched out her body, her job is not for the weak and she would normally be in bed by now, about to sleep.

"This class is supposed to be until 8:30, and i'm in bed by 9."

"Oh, same here."

Eventually, the clock turned 6 before they knew it and it was time to head into class.

"Good evening class. My name is Professor Tisane. I will be your teacher for this class."

Addy and Cecilia felt a little out of place since everybody in that class was a second year while they were first years.

Professor Tisane was a very relatable, goofy, and experienced teacher. He was also a proscutor on the side in a different county and taught classes at night just for some extra pay.

"You may have heard some of these cases on tiktok, or maybe on the news. To be honest, the world of hospitality law is often bizarre as it is random. You'll hear of many cases from privacy invasion to hotels burning down to death. And I will guide you all through it."

He started to talk about TikTok.

"You know, if TikTok existed when i was in college, I wouldn't have a degree, I have ADD so I'm bound to be fucked either way."

Everybody laughed.

"Anybody have any TikTok experience?"

Addy raised her hand.

"OOOH ME! I draw anime and I have a following of 20k."

Everybody came in with chatter such as "Wow, that's awesome" and "You must be extremely talented."

That's when Cecilia said.

"So this was back when TikTok was just becoming popular. I was in a video that got 2 million views, and I guessed somebody's zodiac sign."

The whole class went in shock.

"What's my sign?"

"Do me!"

"That's crazy!"

Cecilia sighed.

"Well, i haven't been able to do it in a while so I'm very rusty."

Nonetheless, Cecilia tried and failed like she said she would.

After that, the class was dismissed and she was about to head out when a guy stopped her.

"Zodiac girl!"

A guy from the class called her over.

"I'm curious, about that talent that you have. Do you mind telling me about this... power to say?"

The guy had glasses, was somewhat short, brown hair, and seemed a little dorky.

"Oh yeah!" Cecilia said with a smile.

"To be honest, it's nothing much. Just that my grandmother always loved astrology and I did a whole bunch of research on it."

He seemed intrigued.

"Guess my sign then."

"Hmmm. Scorpio?"

"Nope. Gemini."

"Dang it."

They laughed together.

"Do you drive?" Cecilia asked him.

"I can't. I had a seizure about a month ago, but I should be cleared to soon."

"Oh no! Are you ok?"

"Yeah. It came up all of a sudden, the condition happens when I sleep. It doesn't have a name."

"I'm so sorry that happened to you."

"It happens." He shrugged.

For about an hour, they were talking. Talking about all sorts of topics from bad relationships to their health and even all the way to the past.

Suddenly, the guys phone buzzed.

"Oh, it's my parents. They came."

He started to leave, but he turned around.

"You know, before I leave, can I get your number?" He held out his phone to Cecilia.

"Yes!" She took it and plugged her number in.

The car honked outside before he went to leave.


When he left, Cecilia decided to leave too.

Her phone was on silent mode and just as she got in her car, she saw the text.

"Hey, it's Kyle. I know you have a hard time texting, so if you don't want to text me back, you don't have to. You have my number just in case :)"

All she thought was "who is Kyle?"

Love and FoodHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin