xix: christmas in maryland

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Now that finals were over, Cecilia had a lot of time to herself. She seemed to not be in much contact with Joesph after the semester ended, but she had other plans of her own. Maybe, she could be with Evan more.

Still, the feeling of failing him lingered across her head. It all started to add up to her. Empty promises made up her thoughts and they started to stack up.

Evan always wanted to talk to her, and the coversations fell flat still.

But, after that one night, it made Cecilia think.

He did have another side to him, he just doesn't show it to many.

It was a few days before Christmas, and he sent out a text to her.

"I'm going to be heading to Maryland for Christmas."


"And I was wondering if you would like to come with me."

What? Getting invited to christmas with somebody that you've known for a month? Cecilia really wanted to, but she knows that there is no way that her parents would let that slide.

"I would love to, but my parents wouldn't let me."

"Of course, your parents won't let you."


"I'm sorry."

"You would have made it more fun."

"How fun was it already?"

"About 60%, but you would have bumped it to 110%."

"Aw, damn."

Cecilia felt a call from one of her siblings to help her with something.

She wasn't on her phone for about a few hours.

In the meantime.

"Do you ever have your phone on you?"

Evan texted a few hours before.

"Not all the time."

"Ok then."

"When are you heading?"


"I think you'll have a good time."

"Doubt it."


"It's more boring there than here. I have nobody."

"And I wish I could come."

"You're bluffing."

"I'm not."


"In exchange for you not being able to make it, I want you to buy me things."

Buy things? What is this guy doing?

"I'll send you a list. You seem to have a lot of money, you're always working."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You're loaded."

"And how do you know that?"

"I once saw you with a $600 laptop decorated with stickers. As well as a custom mouse."


"Plus, isn't your dad an electrician?"

"Where did you get all of that information from?"

"You and Chance had conversations during banquet. It's not my fault that you two are screaming at each other."

"Ok then."

"You can handle it, be a good girl. It's the least that you can do."

Cecilia went silent. This all feels so wrong. This game of hot and cold or whatever that Evan is playing is where she's the one that faces the burden at the other end of the stick. Not fair.

"Why me?"

"Need I say why?"

"I could treat you even worse, do you want me to do that to you?"

"First off, why in the world would you treat me like shit? Did you want me to be your punching bag?"

"I want one thing and one thing only."

"I know what it is and I want something too."

"Go ahead."

"I want you."

"I want your body."

"No shit sherlock."

Cecilia just threw her phone down and angerly punched a pillow.

She's starting to think that everything that he said to her, about how beautiful and precious she was to him, and the way that he was gentle and not himself around her.

She started to strongly think that she was being manipulated. And she fell right into it.

For the rest of the night, she ignored all of her texts and just went to bed.

Evan spammed her phone.

"Cosmo. Wake up. I'm sorry. Please. Just pick up the phone."

7 missed calls. All because Cecilia fell asleep.

She woke up the next morning and looked in horror.

He did this many times before, but not like this.

All he knew was that he fucked up real bad.

Cecilia just decided to take it as a fresh start, hoping to see if he would be different today.

Evan was supposed to leave to go to Maryland for Christmas today, and Cecilia was out with her dad taking care of her elderly grandpa.

"I'm heading now to Maryland."

"Enjoy. How long is the drive going to be?"

"About 2 and a half hours."

"I'll miss you."

"Me too."

It was radio silence for a while, maybe it's best that they don't talk to each other for a bit, both of them push each other's buttons too much, and it caused Cecilia at least some emotional distress.

There was a part in Cecelia that was thinking that she should probably leave Evan. He doesn't care about her, he's not gonna change. But yet, there's still a small glimmer of hope for him in her. More than Joseph, more than any other guy.

She just went on with her day as per usual, as if nothing happened. Not even looking at her phone and being more engaged in her family life.

While on the road, Evan was frustrated. He just sat in silence, and looked out the window. Cecilia was not a good texter, and her texting anxiety seemed to be getting worse as it was.

Evan could barely contain his emotions while gripping on part of the car seat. He picked up his phone and started texting Cecilia.

"I want you to let me know when you're getting me those presents, and I need them as soon as I can. If you don't do what I say, I...."

He stopped for a second. That's when he realized that Cecilia is a fragile girl. He was so used to being a alpha male with a macho personality, but the height of an adult woman.
There is just something about Cecilia that makes him melt. But at the same time, this game of hot and cold ping pong, keeps on going and going and going.

Evan looked up and saw that he was back in his hometown of Catonsville.

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