ix: apologies

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It was another day and Cecilia saw that Joesph responded back to her. A normal person would leave him hanging and drop him. But, Cecilia tends to give people too many second chances.

"Hey, I'm so sorry, an emergency came up. I really wanted to do it, but can you reschedule?"

Cecilia wiped a tear off her eye and a smile came back on her face.

"Of course! I was worried if something came up for you, just let me know :)"


The next week at banquet,

"So, it didn't happen." Cecilia said to Chance.

"WHAT? What happened?"

"Something came up for him and I probably overexagerated."

"Girl, it's ok. I know that you were excited about it, it was probably just your nerves. Did he ask to reschedule?"

"Yeah, he did."

"At least he wants to do that, if he didn't want to, then that would be a red flag."

Chance was a waiter along with Evan and Evan called him to help for a second in the dining hall.

In the meantime, Cecilia was doing her usual, dishing and bussing.

All of a sudden, she scraped her hand on a sharp edge and noticed something red on her gloves. She screamed and ran into the kitchen and ran her hand under a sink.

One of the ladies, Sally saw a concerned look on her face.

"Mami! What's wrong?"

She held Cecilia's hand and noticed the large gush of blood still running off her hand.

"What happened? Don't worry, I'll get you patched up like new."

She ran across the kitchen and grabbed a first aid kit, she grabbed a large bandaid and patched it on her. Along with that, she made a second trip and poured Cecilia a coffee in a paper cup with the perfect mix of milk and sugar.

"Coffee makes the world go around. Drink it."

Cecilia nodded, she took the cup and shotgunned it.

"Thank you, you are the best."

"I have a daughter that's just like you, it's like the back of my hand this kind of stuff. Just for now, don't do anything with your hands, we got it here."

"Are you sure? I don't want to just stand there and do nothing."

"You're surpringly not lazy like a lot of kids are. Don't beat yourself up over it, things happen in life, sometimes the best thing to do is to keep the workload easy on yourself."

Cecilia nodded.

"Actually, do you mind being the runner here and there? We'll send somebody else to grab the stuff but if chef needs anything, then you can be the one to let us know."

"That sounds good."

"Perfect, and remember, don't overwork yourself mami."

Cecilia mouthed "i love you" to Sally as she went to go to the kitchen to deal with chef's requests.

She knocked on the door and heard a loud scream. Silently, she took a peak and saw that chef accidently spilled some soup on his hand.

"I'm sorry, did I come in at the wrong time?"

"Perfect timing more or less." Sadie joked about it.

"Oh no, Chef, is there anything I can do for you?"

"Yes, please get me a pot of ice cold water. Please, I will give you extra credit on your next meal."

"Right away, sir!" Cecilia started to run to the kitchen.

She ran and tripped and fell on her pants that were just a little too long.


She quickly got up and that's when Ash was walking by.

"Cecilia! Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I just tripped, I got clumsy feet."

"It's ok!"

Ash was about to walk into the kitchen, but Cecilia stopped her.

"Chef is not in the mood right now, he needs water stat."

"What did he do this time?"

"Spilled soup all over him. Boiling soup."

Ash cringed and imagined the pain.

"Tskkk. Ouch."

"So yeah, do not go in there unless you want to be screamed at, and can you actually help me with getting some ice for chef?"

"Oh yes, of course! Let's go!"

They spedwalked and quickly started to fill a large pail with ice cold water as well as scooping some ice in there and Cecilia started to carry the pail until she had to grab the handle to the door where chef opened the door and almost caused Cecilia to fall into the pail.

"Oh! Cecilia! Perfect timing! Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I got your water, sir."

"You are a saint! Thank you so much! You can go now."

"No no no, i'll help you."

"You really don't have to."

"Chef, I got injured today too. It's ok."

She and chef went into a small closet where she aided him in taking care of his hand. With some screaming and lots of hot and cold dipping, soon enough, chef was almost back to new, but his hand was just a little bit red.

"Miss Cecilia, I am quite impressed with how you are able to patch me up like that! You should be a nurse as well! You are seriously so caring and put others first before yourself."

"It's really no big deal, I just like to help others in need. And you know, sometimes... life happens."

"I cannot thank you enough. You are excused."

"Thank you, sir!"

Cecilia and Chef Mac left the room and suddenly she bumped into Joesph.


She straightened out herself really quickly.

"Oh, hey. Cecilia, right?"

She nodded with a lot of energy.

"I am so sorry about a few nights ago."

"No, it's ok, it really is."

Cecilia felt so awkward in the outfit that she had right now. She was in scrubs and he was in a more dressier outfit.

"Are you avaliable tuesday night? I have a gap period where we can work on the project together if you can."

"Definately." Cecilia answered immediately.

"Perfect! I'll see you then."


Before Joesph left, Cecilia grabbed his attention.

"Do you want to grab some lunch here? We got a 3 course meal for $8."

Joesph sighed.

"I would love to, but I have class in 10 minutes."

"That's ok, I'll see you."

"I'll see you too."

They both went their separate ways before she saw Evan appear from the main kitchen.

"You look oddly chipper."

His sharp voice drawed Cecilia to him.

"What's it to you?"

"Nah, it's just that you seem a little more upbeat, just wondering."

Cecilia tsked and tensed up.

"I didn't think you would care."

Evan stepped closer to her.

"Maybe, we should finish what we started first."

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