xxxvi: first date

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At last, Tuesday has arrived. Cecilia had work in the morning, but no class at night. Her shift was a short shift so she had time to get ready.

Kyle was going to pick her up at 4pm, and she was waiting by the door.

It felt weird to her to go on a date again, she hasn't gone on one since her and her ex went (and you know how those dates went)

She wore a white furry sweater with some black leggings and a mint green beanie. A spray of her favorite peppermint perfume was applied.

At 3:58, he arrived at her house. It was slightly starting to snow.

Cecilia opened the door with a slight smile.


She let him in and her dog started to jump on him.

"Honey, hey."

Her dog jumped off of her after her mom walked in the room.

"Why, you must be Kyle! Nice to meet you! I'm Cecilia's mother."

"Likewise. I just wanted to say hello to anybody that is here right now."

"It's just me. Her siblings and father are at work right now."

Cecilia just stood there awkwardly in silence.

"You ready?" He asked Cecilia.

"Whenever you are."

He beamed.

"Perfect. Let's go."

"Bye you two! I hope you have a great time!"

They went to his car and he opened the door for her.

"Thank you!"

"Of course, baby."

He started up his car and they drove away.

As soon as they were a distance away from her house, he put his right hand on her thigh while his left hand was on the wheel.

"There's actually this boba place right by my job, so if you like we can go there."

"I'd be down with whatever."

He giggled.

They talked about many different things over the ride. Kyle had a collection of some of his favorite bands playing. My Chemical Romance, old Panic at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, and a few other bands of that liking.

"Do you like this song?" He asked her.

"I never heard of it before, actually."

"Really? I listened to your whole playlist, and you had coconut mall from Mario Kart in there?"

Cecilia started to laugh like a maniac.

"You listened to over 2000 songs? That's wild."

"There was a lot in there, it was like I was traveling around the whole solar system."

"You may have found something you liked, haven't you?"

He shook his head.

"It's not my style. Too bright. But, it suits you. I mean, they say that opposites attract."

"You're right." Cecilia started to feel a little insecure.

"Everybody's different." She said after a brief silence.

By then, they arrived at the boba place. It was called MochiMoshi.

"I have never seen this here before."

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