xliii: catching up on work

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Soon enough, the year would be coming to a close.

Another semester that was a train-wreck but this time, Cecilia could feel some sense of control.

She had a quick meeting with her professor in her computer class who told her that she was missing a few assignments.

While Cecilia thought that she had 5, she actually had 18 missing assignments.


Another stressful event. But, have no fear!

Cecilia was able to take this down by the end of the week.

Whenever she did not have an exam or homework for a class, she was working day and night on multiple tutorials on how to do word, excel, power-point, and outlook. It is a business necessity if I do say so myself.

She brought her laptop to work whenever she was waiting for people to pick up orders and worked long and hard on passing the assignments.

The thing was that they weren't hard, but rather annoying. It was the same set of work over and over and over.

But, it keyed Cecilia in.

Each day, she put all of her focus in, no matter where she was, if she could bring her laptop and get a good wifi connection, she demolished her work.

Her grade which was originally a C- just up to a B+ by the end of the week.

By the end of the week, all of her work was done. She collapsed on her bed and squealed in excitement.

The hard part of the year was over. All she has to go is get to the finish line and her first year would be in the books.

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