Epilogue 2

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After we finished up in the tavern we ended up walking back to the house but on the way we stopped down by the river. I was sat on a grassy bank, overlooking the river and the mountain. The tall reeds of grass started to sway in the wind along with my hair.

"I can't believe you can draw so well."

"I have had a lot of practice." He said smiling, as he looked up at me from his sketch book.

"I've never had someone draw me before."

"That's probably because every time someone has tried to draw you it was to make a wanted poster and you escaped to quickly."

"That hasn't even happened that much."

"I bet you can't count on one hand how many times you've escaped from a prison cell."

"Okay fine you win but it's only because sometimes I get caught on purpose if I'm board."

He chuckled lightly to himself and then said almost under his breath, "something is missing."

"What is it?"

"It needs something, a little something to draw attention to your eyes."

He again looked up from his drawing book and stared intently at me. He was so close I could see tiny flecks of copper and dark green in his eyes. As he looked at me I could feel heat begin to creep up onto my face and I knew that chances were there my cheeks were now red.

"That it." He stated.

"What's it?"

"The blush on your cheeks is perfect, it makes your eyes stand out."

I felt almost speechless.

I was speechless.

We didn't talk for a few minutes but it wasn't awkward is was just nice to be with each other and sit in silence. "Okay it's finished."'

"Can I see?"

He passed me the book and I stared down at the almost mirror image of myself drawn with charcoal.

"Wow." I said under my breath.

Suddenly there was a voice from behind me and I turned to see the courier standing there, "Hay, I have a message for you." He handed me a letter and as I stared down at the writing I knew instantly who it was from.

"Thank you."

"I'll be on my way then."

I toor open my letter and read the words quickly.

"Lydia is going to meet us at the house with Bran."

"Awe I can't wait to see your dog again."

"I can't wait for you to meet my best friend."

We both stood up from where we sat in the long grass, Miraak collecting up his new drawing supplies that he bought in the Riverwood Trader. As we started to walk back in the direction of my house I felt a chill go down my spine and I then once again realised how cold it was.

"It's freezing out here." I said after a while. I pulled my hands to my face and hastily blew into them trying to warm them up a bit.

"Here," Miraak stated. He unwrapped his scarf from around his neck and put it around my shoulders. " I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner." He then proceeded to cast a spell of frost resistance on both of us and within a few seconds I was toasty warm again.

"Thank you." I stated shyly. I couldn't believe he  was like this, a literal god and yet he would wrap his own scarf around the neck of someone cold.

"So who are your other friends then?"

"Well you have met Vex, Brynjolf and the people from the thieves guild."


"Well there is also Lydia who I met when I became the Thane of Whiterun."

"Wait you are the Thane of Whiterun, seriously."

"Well yes I am. I got this tablet from Bleak Falls Barrow and I helped to kill a dragon."

"Wow, I had no idea. Who are your other friends?"

"There is Serana and she is a vampire, and I have a friend called Cicero and he is an assassin."

"I can't believe this you have literally done everything."

"Yeah well I got bored."

He laughed in response, a laugh that I would never tire of hearing. We rounded the corner and we were back at my house and stood outside was Lydia and Bran. Bran ran over as soon as he saw me and jumped on top of me and started to lick my face.

"Aww Bran, what are you doing boy."

The dog got of me and then ran straight towards Miraak. Miraak knelt down on the floor to pet Bran but before he could, Bran jumped on top of him and licked him too.

I got to my feet and didn't bother to save Miraak from the wrath that was Bran and headed straight for Lydia.

"By the divines, I haven't seen you in so long Alye." Lydia gave me a hug, wrapping her arms around me.

"I gave you my house key for a reason you know, you should have just gone in. It's too cold to be outside."

"Eh I'm fine. Who is this then." She said pointing in the direction of Miraak.

"Well don't freak out but you know the guy that was trying to take over the world, that I went to kill."


"Well that's him and umm... he is living in my house and umm... we are sort of dragon spirit soul mates or something."

She only responded with a look that was completely acceptable for the situation. "Please don't say you have secretly married him or something."

"No of course not, we'll not yet anyway."

Miraak after he finally managed to get Bran of him, walked over, the happy canine wagging his tail behind him.

"You must be Lydia." He said, holding out his hand for her to shake it.


She pulled out her sword and held it to his neck. There was a look of complete and utter shock in his eyes. "Wait I haven't mind controlled her, it's not like that, I'm in love with her.

She looked him up and down and then said " I know, I'm only joking." She lifted her sword down and then burst out laughing. "You should have seen the look on your face. Miraak you looked so worried."

I couldn't help laughing my self and it took a few seconds for Miraak to start chuckling as well.

"It's very nice to meet you Miraak. Sorry, I do that to everyone that's friends with her, it's always so funny to see the look on her face."

"Let's get inside, it's to cold to be out here any longer." I stated as I unlocked the door and went inside.

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