Epilogue 1

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I awoke to the sweet smell of coffee floating through the air and as I opened my eyes all I could see was the dazzling sun rays shining through the open window above me. At first I thought that it was maybe Vex that was making coffee then I realised that her and Brynjolf had left yesterday. Being curious I crawled out from under the covers and slid on my slippers and dressing gown before creeping down stairs to see what was going on. I opened the door to the kitchen to find Miraak cooking something that I could only describe as smelling in between pancakes and waffles. I slowly sneaked over and once I was right behind him I tapped him on the shoulder.

"Whatcha doing?" I smiled as I made him jump.

"By the divines Alye, no one should be that good at sneaking up on people."

"Thank you. So what are you doing."

"Well I was going to make breakfast and bring it upstairs so we could eat it in bed."

"Awe really, I had no idea the legendary first Dragonborn was so sweet." I smirked up at him.

"Fine if you are going to behave like that I will just have to eat it all myself." He smiled back.

I looked down at what he was preparing for breakfast and not to my surprise, it was indeed waffles but what I didn't know was that it was a stack of waffles piping hot drizzled in honey and covered in fresh cream, strawberries and blueberries. I could feel my mouth watering just looking at it.

"Oh my gosh, Miraak that looks incredible."

"I also made us coffee to go with it."

Before he could do anything else I picked up the trey and walked upstairs and into my bedroom.

"Where are you going?"

"To breakfast in bed."

After a few seconds Miraak came up with the coffee and sat on the bed next to me. I placed the tray in between us and I was about to take a mouthful of strawberries and cream when I realised there was only one fork.

"Oh there is only one fork."

"Here." Miraak took the fork of me and picked up a strawberry with a dollop of cream on it and held it out for me to eat. I ate it. The taste as incredible, the sweetness of the strawberry mixing perfectly with the cream.


I looked Miraak straight in the eye but when I did I saw that he looked as if he were trying to hold in a laugh.

"What is it Miraak."

"You have a cream moustache."

"What. Really." I was about to wipe it off on my dressing gown sleeve but before I could Miraak reached out with his thumb and cleaned of the cream and then proceeded to lick the cream of his thumb all while smirking at me.

I was slightly startled but at the same time I felt like laughing. "So little dragon, what is it you want to do today."

"Umm, have you ever been to Riverwood?"

"No, where is it."

"It's a short walk from here, just at the base of the mountain."

"Okay then."

We finished the waffles and I grabbed my warmest clothes because for some reason the unpredictable weather in Skyrim had decided to be freezing today.

We left my house and it didn't take long for us to reach Riverwood. I loved Riverwood, it seemed so happy here. It wasn't like Riften crawling with thieves, or like Solitude and Windhelm where everyone is concerned about the war. It's just nice to be somewhere so secluded that people can just be happy.

"Well here we are." I said.

"So what do you want to do?"

"Well first of all I need to send a letter to Lydia and she can meet us here."

"She is the one that is looking after your dog?"

"Yeah, and she is my best friend. She has been with me throughout everything that happened in the last few years."

Miraak seemed to look very curious then and asked "Is there a general goods shop here."

"Yeah just over there." I pointed towards the Riverwood trader.

"Okay I'm just going to go in there for a minute. I'll meet you in the tavern."

"Okay." It only took a few minutes to find the courier and to send a letter and quickly he was off in the way to Whiterun.

I then went over to the tavern and ordered us both some mead at the counter. As soon as the man handed me the tankards I took a sip, the sweet drink warming my insides making me realise how cold I am. I felt a tap on my shoulder. There was Miraak.

"Oh thank the divines." Miraak lunged forward grabbing the tankard and took a gulp before walking over to one of the tables at the back of the inn. We both sat down on the rickety old chairs and watched the roaring fire in the hearth.

"I want to show you something." Miraak reached into his satchel and got out a book and handed it to me.

The book was leather and looked incredibly old. The pages were stained yellow and there were blots of ink on the cover. As I opened the cover I saw that it wasn't an ordinary book but a sketchbook. The start of the book was filled with remarkably detailed drawings of people and a few had an almost ghostly resemblance to Miraak. The likeness were only slight but you could tell from the way the hair curled at the ends to the curvature of the nose and even in some drawings the eyes.

"You can draw?"

He answered with a nod. I continued to flick through the pages and I could tell exactly what had happened in his life depending on the drawing. After a few more pages there started to be drawings of dragons some of them looked familiar too.


After a few more drawings I could see where he had switched to charcoal instead of ink and all of the pictures from then on were almost blurry and less defined. Suddenly I encountered a page that was almost entirely black with a small man glowing with light in the centre as if he were struggling to keep the darkness at bay. Then the drawings ended and there were only empty pages left.

"This book is like a document of your life."

"The only thing is that there is a part missing." He looked up at me from where he was looking at the book still in my hands. "You."

My heart was in my mouth, as I stared into his silver eyes.

The Language Of Dragons-A Skyrim StoryWhere stories live. Discover now