23. The Fall

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"I have been following you for days." He shouted, almost making the earth quake with the pure sound of his voice. " It was almost too easy, even if you went by dragon."

Miraak and I stood with our backs to the railing, and as I stepped back slightly, almost retreating I noticed that my back was fully pressed against the low wall and there was no where to run. "Stay always from her." Miraak growled as he stepped in front of me, shielding me from what was about to happen.

"Oh once again, Miraak, you were a prisoner in the realm of knowledge for 2000 years and yet you are still dumb. You honestly think I am here for her, the girl you try to protect with your life."

Miraak and Bolek just stared at each other like wolves from rival packs. For some reason my eyes darted to the green mask that Bolek began to twirl on his fingers, and like he knew exactly what I was questioning inside my head his eyes shot to mine and words spilled from his mouth.

"Ahh, you have seen the mask, it's a very interesting think actually." He sighed and started to walk towards us. "Yes, it is very interesting, you see when you wear this mask, unlike the others, it won't come of until you die." Then he turned to Miraak and stated, "For an immortal being I suppose that is a very long time, to be controlled by Mora himself."

"Why." I shouted. "Why does he want him so badly.

"Now why would I tell you that?"

Suddenly an idea hit me, I didn't know how to do it though. Slowly I tried calling on the spell to enter the mind, I could feel it, almost see a gold thread in my mind, so I pulled on the thread.

There was a voice coming from my mouth, not a voice a stuttering, so I said into the void.

"Why hello Bolek, I suppose you haven't had your mind entered before." There was no reply as if he were resisting me. In my mind then I used the spell again and I took more control. What I saw would have made me gasp if I was in my own body.

I could see my self and it was a shock. My feet were floating a few inches of the floor and my hair was also floating around my face as if caught in a phantom wind. What scared me most was that my eyes were glowing bright white. And there was Miraak shouting my name. "ALYE."

I went back into Bolek's mind and commanded directly to him. "What does Mora want with Miraak."

Even form thoughts to thoughts there was stuttering in his voice when he said "Mora wants Miraak to be used as a battery so that he can keep open a portal to our plane."

So that's what it was, they needed the black book to get the portal here, use the skeleton key to keep unlock the portal, the mask shards were to keep Miraak under Mora's control and they needed an immortal to keep the gate open for ever.

I spiralled out of Bolek's mind and back into my body. As I entered back into my mind, I collapsed backwards almost falling over the stone wall but before I could, Miraak caught me, his warm arms supporting my weight as I got my balance back.

"You bitch, you were in my head."

I tried to get to my feet but I felt as if the breath had been knocked from my lungs.

Bolek immediately shoots a fire ball at me but Miraak put a magic shield between us and the fire exploded into embers against the invisible wall.

"Miraak, I'm going to kill your little dragon girlfriend and tear her apart while you watch."

"Not if I kill you first." Miraak replied.

It was then that Bolek charged at me, no weapon in had. I really thought he was going to kill me. Before he could do any thing though, Miraak punched him in the face, his jaw letting out an awful crack as knuckle hit skin. As Bolek stepped back blood started to pour from his mouth.

I collapsed to the floor and looked back at me to make sure I was ok but as he did Bolek charged again but this time at Miraak. Bolek grabbed Miraak around the waist throwing him back and pushing them both over the edge of the low wall, they were both gone.

Miraak couldn't be gone, he just had to be there, hanging on the edge like some fantasy novel.

"MIRAAK." I crawled over to the wall and looked over the edge, desperately trying to claw my way towards him, but when I looked there was no one there, just the emptiness of the stone wall and the grey cliff edge. "MIRAAK!" I screamed but there was no answer.

I managed to get to my feet, purely from the adrenaline in my blood. I stumbled to the door and down the stairs, trying intently not to fall.

Miraak just couldn't be dead, he couldn't be. We were going to get our powers back and he was finally going to have a life, and we were going live happily together and...

The thoughts going through my mind left butterflies in my stomach. I stopped abruptly standing at the door to the outside. I wanted to be with Miraak.

Yes we used to be enemies but that was down to a mater of what we were not who we were. I held my breath as I sprinted through the doors, across the bridge and into Winterhold.

My heart was in my mouth as navigated myself down the cliff to where Miraak and Bolek fell.

If he was still alive I could heal him, save him, the injury didn't matter, but he just had to be alive. There was no way he could be dead, could he?

When I got to where they had landed I was faced with only one body, lying on the icy stone, snow falling down upon their clothes.

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