19. Another dragon

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"This bloody dragon just won't die." I screamed. I had decided to use a sword instead at this point, and I was attacking it from behind as Miraak fired ice spikes at the front. "Is it immortal or something?" I yelled. This day was just too long. 

"I give up," Miraak shouted over the commotion, "i'm coming down of this roof and i'm going to blow it up." 

Miraak jumped of the roof, landing on the hay kept for my cow, and stomped over to the dragon and started to aim his magic at the floor, and I had to be honest that I was curios about what he was even doing. When he had stopped a blue glowing circle made of beautiful ancient letters was engraved onto the floor. The dragon must not have noticed because it got to close and the runes on the floor blew up, emitting a blast of electricity. I had to admit, magic was amazing. I don't know why but now it seemed that the dragon had had enough and had taken off, flying into the distance. "That was odd, why would he just fly off like that." I stated.

"Maybe its working for someone, like Mora, or the cultists."

"Hmm, maybe." 

"Its still dark out so I think that we should get some rest while we can, and besides you are going to have a very busy few days ahead of you."

"What do you mean."

"Well as you probably already know, you need to be able to impress the mages there with your magic to get in."

"Yes, but I have already done that to get the elder scroll."

"Yes but I have a feeling that after a certain thief stole a lot of the arch mages potion ingredients, that they have increased security and that they are only letting in the best of the best."

"How did you know about that?" I asked, shock lacing the words.

"I heard it from a guy in Windhelm but that doesn't matter."

"What does me stealing things from the collage have to do with anything." I said raising an eyebrow as we began to walk back to the house through the front door.

"Ahhh, well, you see because they are only letting in the best most prestigious, mages, witches and wizards, you my little dragon thief are going to actually need to be good at magic."

"Please never call me that, that was just weird," I stated as we walked into the warmth of the house again and the heat hitting me in the face making me instantly sleepy."Any way, you aren't going to be able to just walk in either, you are actually quite well known across skyrim."I continued.

"Well it shouldn't really be a massive problem should it, i'm sure I could come up with an adequate disguise.In the mean time you have to learn so good magic spells."

I frowned in response. "Fine." I practically stomped up the stairs into my room, and threw of my armour putting my nightgown back on with a wooly cream jumper over it. "Hay, if I have to do magic practice, then you have to do alchemy." I chuckled afterwards. 

"You are forgetting young dragonborn that I actually enjoy alchemy so I look forward to it." 

I stepped out of my room to see him standing in the door way of his room smirking. I just rolled my eyes and threw a cushion from a near by chair at his face, then it was my turn to smirk. 

He threw the cushion back at me, hitting me in the face this time, "Oh you idiot, you know i'm going to throw it a lot harder now right. 

"Yeah right, as if you could defeat the first dragon born in a cushion fight."He laughed as he too, grabbed a cushion off another chair and threw it at me across the balcony.

"I'm going to kill you." I half laughed half yelled at him as I threw both of the cushions at him at once, causing feathers to float about in the air between us. "Haha the mighty first Dragonborn Miraak, flyer of dragons has finally fallen." I laughed. 

"Fine then I guess you win, besides it's your sleep you are loosing."

"Seriously, now though, how are we going to stop Mora from getting to you again?"

"I have a few theories and I think that so long as I am not dreaming then he shouldn't be able to get to me." He sighed.

"So you need a strong sleeping potion and he shouldn't be able to get to you?"

"Well that's the idea."

"I actually think that I have one or two sleeping potions, you can use that tonight and I can make some more tomorrow, or maybe even teach you how to make them." I smiled. 

"Ok that would be very helpful."

I quickly walked over to my alchemy tower and soured the shelves of the various potions and poisons i had made. "There it is." I brought down the tiny purple crystal bottle of the shelf, the light from the few candles I had lit bouncing off the surface and the label clearly showing 'sleeping potion' on it pealing at the edges. I walked back over and handed it to Miraak. "You are going to have to drink the whole thing because there isn't much in there and that potion isn't very strong but I will make more tomorrow."

He smirked as he took the bottle out of my hand, "How do I know I can trust you, this could very easily be a poison to kill me once and for all."

"You don't,"I smirked back "but you can trust my intentions and I intend on getting into the college of Winterhold and right now I can't do that without you."

"Goodnight little dragon."

I scoffed in response to the nickname but at least it wasn't what he called me earlier.

He just smiled back down at me as he downed the tiny bottle and walked over to his bed. With in seconds he was unconscious and snoring loudly in the bed, so I walked back to my own room, for some reason a smile still on my lips, and not a single thought in my head about betraying him. 

The Language Of Dragons-A Skyrim StoryWhere stories live. Discover now