15. The Throat of the World

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After hearing the door slam shut behind us the grey beards met us almost immediately. "Hello there Dragonborn." Arngeit stated as he walked towards me, greeting me with a smile. Almost immediately his gaze turned to Miraak and his face turned sour. "Why have you brought this monster here to us, you know what havoc he has wreaked across the land."

"I know what he has done, I know what he did."
The grey beards just looked at me sternly as I grabbed hold of Miraak's sleeve and pulled him to stand next to me. "I am the last Dragonborn and he is the fist and we are here to see Paarthurnax so if you have a problem with him then chances are you are going to have to get through me and your leader to get to him."

They seemed to understand my threat and the fact that at one point their leader cared a grate deal about Miraak and would quite possibly kill anyone who harmed him on the way to see him. "Fine then, dovakiin but be warned, if he steps one toe out of line, I won't hesitate to kill him."

I simply nodded and walked passed them and to the other doors at the other end of the building. "I really thought you were going to let them kill me then Alye."

"Why would you think that."

"Technically we are still enemies and it wouldn't hurt you to just get rid of me like that."

"Like I said, we are in this together now and although I don't one hundred percent trust you, I think we are past being enemies."

As we opened the heavy doors the bitter wind met us again, the cold chill making the greybeards go back to wherever they were before, their stone grey robes hovering just above the floor making them look like they were floating. Once we were outside it didn't take long to reach the iron gates and the path leading to the top of the mountain." I'll never forget this place," I stated as we continued to walk. "This was where I learned my favourite shout."

"And what is your favourite shout, little dragon." He asked with a smirk on his lips.

"Whirlwind Sprint."
"Ahh, Wuld Nah Kest, and why is that your favourite."

"I think it's something to do with having the soul of a dragon but I have always wanted to fly and that shout is the closest I have gotten to flying, besides flying Odahviing. I didn't really get a chance to enjoy it very much because I was nervous."

We were silent for a few moments until a serious look spread across Miraak's face and he said "Once we get our thu'ums back then I am going to show you how to fly."

"Really? You can fly."

"Well technically it's riding a dragon but you can use a shout to ride it and when you are up there, just gliding through the clouds it's hard to notice it's not you flying."

We continued up the slope the icy snow getting deeper with each step, the wind billowing so hard now we had to hold the rock wall to our right to steady ourselves. "What's it like, flying properly I mean?"

"It's like freedom, Alye. Up there you can just forget that everything else exists and just fly."

I could feel my self grinning at the thought, of the possible future of me and Miraak riding a dragon, through the night sky, stars overhead glistening like a sea of diamonds. But what was I thinking. Of course what I wanted would never happen because he would probably just vanish of somewhere for another three thousand years. Then it struck me, was that what I wanted, to be friends with Miraak or...or even something more. I couldn't let myself think like that because it could never happen.

"The wind is getting really rough now Alye."

"Wait a minute, we don't have the clear skies shout to get through."

All of a sudden, as if they knew about it too, the voice of the greybeards came crashing down upon the mountain. Three words " Lok Vah Koor" and then the stormy weather vanished from sight.

"The clear skies shout." Miraak questioned.

"The question is how did they know."

We kept walking up towards the summit, the ice wraiths long gone after I killed them. We passed a few goats and there we were, at the top face to face with Paarthurnax. The dragon at the throat of the world.

"Drem Yol Lok, dovakiin, welcome back. I see that you have brought with you the person you sought to kill."

I nodded silently knowing that chances are, Paarthurnax would already know what I was going to say. I looked back towards Miraak, in his tattered thieves guild jacket and he seemed to be looking down at the floor. Was he nervous?

"It seems dovakiin that he is no longer your enemy and that you found another path to set him free. Tell me dova why is it you have come to me."

"Our thu'um has gone, when we shout only words come out."

"Ahh, I have heard of this before." The old dragon sighed. "I am sorry to tell you that this is very rare and even I do not recall what has caused it. However I do remember a book being written not long after Miraak disappeared describing what can happen to the dovakiin. I do not know what happened to it but I do know how to find it. There is a scroll on the collage of Winterhold. Not an elder scroll, it was created to document the locations of ancient books and I think that it is probable that what you are looking for you will find there."

I nodded but I'm my head I was dreading the thought of going to the school of magic it's self because you have to be able to prove you are good at magic to get in. "Thank you dova."

"Miraak can I speak to you." The dragon said with emotion in his eyes. I walked over to the slope to give them some privacy. Miraak was nodding his head as they spoke and the whole conversation seemed almost like a conversation family members would have.

Miraak then came over to me. "Odahviing is coming and he is going to fly us down to your house."



A/N: TA DUH, chapter 15, wow. I never thought I'd get to 300 reads so thank you soooo much.
So what do you think of Miraak teaching her?
What do you think will happen next? I hope you liked the last few chapters, and there are many more to come, see you soon.

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