Chapter Sixteen | Dumbass

Start from the beginning

People heard his abrupt announcement, causing heads to turn our way and quiet down nearby conversations. Midoriya quickly apologizes to the pro heroes he interrupted and bows respectfully.

"Sorry...! I didn't mean to y—yell," This Midoriya kid seems very shy for someone who was about to go head-to-head with a wanted criminal.

"No sweat kid, no one seems to mind it," I flash him a smile and wave at the students besides him.

"We're outside of school, just call me Eraserhead," Aizawa said nonchalantly.

"Y—yes Ai—I mean—Eraserhead!" I fail to suppress my chuckle when I see the Midoriya kid struggle to call his teacher by his hero name.

Midoriya heard me and averted his whole body towards me. "Ventriloquist! I'm a big fan of you! I can't believe you're actually in front of me!"

"Hey, Midoriya right?" I almost start laughing again when I see him ferociously nod his head. "Um—I—nice to finally meet you. I was interested in you when I saw you on tv for the sports festival. Good job getting 8th place, you worked hard."

I thought it was just a friendly compliment, but to Midoriya, it was not just a compliment. It was a compliment from a pro hero. How can I tell? Because his face is turning red and he's mumbling like his life depended on my compliment.

"W—you know Eraserhead?" Midoriya asks, the rest of the students whipping their heads from me to Aizawa.

"We went to U.A together," I made a ba-dum sound and mimicked drumming. "Surprising, right? Aizawa having friends."

The students blush, silently admitting to thinking the same thing about their teacher, Aizawa shooting the bunch of us looks. "You're lucky this isn't class. I would've made you run by now."

"Look, just because you got "raised" by the Incognito doesn't make you any better. Stop threatening your kids," I said, sticking my tongue out at him. "Technically she raised me too—well—dropped by a few times."

"That's only because we're cousins you dumbass," as soon as the sentence left his mouth, everyone joined in on yelling, attracting twice as many people.

I wrap my arm around his shoulder, bringing him in a hug he seems to hate with a passion because he's back to being grumpy. "Yep. One of his friends is his cousin."

"Y—you're related to Eraserhead?!" The students blurted in unison, quietly apologizing to the same nearby heroes.

"Yeah. But we didn't really hangout much in earlier years," I said, not wanting to tick the sensitive truth behind our belated relationship.

The kids look at me confused, as if their eyes were asking, why? I give a dismissive look and to my surprise, again, they understood what I meant by it because they dropped it. Or so I thought.

"When did you guys start hanging out then?" Asked a red haired kid, who was actually very clever for finding a loophole on the topic.

"We started hanging out in middle school. That's all I can tell you," I said, dropping my arm from Aizawa's shoulder. "Nice to meet four of Aizawa's students. And Midoriya? Don't blame yourself. Blaming yourself will always be the downfall of heroes."

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