Chapter 30

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I think as I saw the man in front of me no matter how strong I've been holding up my facade grumbled a little, as I felt tears gathered in my eyes, I wasn't wrong when I said addressing him as Dante was too human a name to call him, evil beast was just perfect.

The man in front of me, the only man who had shown me what having a real friend felt like, the one man I  promised not to get involved in my mess was laying on the ground in front of me, his beautiful blonde hair a mess,

Matthew didn't deserve this, I was the enemy not Matthew, he could do what ever he wanted to do to me, but he should count Matthew out of this, if I had been a good friend I would have tried every means possible to reach him, all these while I just concluded that he was busy with work, I should have known that something was wrong, but like the stupid friend I was, I didn't notice, how can I  call myself a friend, Matthew was my family, he became a shoulder for me to lean on, never letting a tear drop from my eyes but what did I pay him back, I let the tear drop, Matthew has become my weakness.

I began to struggle because I couldn't contain my anger, if not the restrain I would have finished what I started that night, I wanted him dead, I wanted to send him to hell, I was livid, I wasn't thinking straight,

"Is there something you want to say, dear Cara," he taunted as he removed the tape from my mouth, and fuck did it hurt.

As soon as the tape was off, I exploded,..."you fucking piece of shit, how dare you touch him, he had nothing to with anything that happened that night, if you would have just died everything would have been okay, but that stupid man had to stand in my way," I said as I panted in anger,

"That stupid man is my best friend, that stupid man is my right hand man, and if you haven't been a bitch and try to kill me then we wouldn't be here and Marcus wouldn't be laying in a coma right now, so when you decide to open that mouth of yours, think before you talk," he said to me in utter rage.

"I don't give a fuck if he doesn't wake up, he could die for all I care," I spat back in anger, I just couldn't control myself, I was seeing red,

This time he wrapped his hand around my neck in a choke hold, but I didn't care, I still Struggled to say my mind,..." does it hurt your male pride that it could possibly be you laying in coma, that I could have been able to do that to you," just don't shut up do you? my inner voice suddenly asked from no where,... what if because of all these rubbish you just spew out of your mouth he turns to Matthew and take out the anger on him just to have you sit and watch, you should at least be happy he is alive.

God am so stupid, I didn't even think that he could possibly finished Matthew off while I was still being tied to this chair in nothing but my underwear and I could do nothing.

"Take out your anger on me, leave my friend alone, you're making him pay for what he knows nothing about," I said as I accepted the reasoning of my inner mind,

"What makes you think I would do that?" he asked,...."let make it a friend for a friend," he suggested,


"He knows nothing, he is innocent, I said as I tried to control my anger "your friend wasn't the target, you were, he just took your place, I didn't go for him after all, so don't make it look like I went there for him instead of you, meanwhile, your target was me but you used my friend, there's a big difference between the two, your friend is a criminal mine is a normal hardworking guy," damn it, I seem to be going out of track again, he could get angry again, for Matthew's  sake, I had to be careful with what I say.

"Shorty?" I heard the pained voice of my friend and that alone broke my heart further,..."damn this people are brutal maniacs," he said and that made me laugh, they always say birds of the same feathers flock together, am sure he must have given them a hard time even more than I was currently giving them, he's a man after all.

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