Chapter 3

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I was being impatient for the said "later" to come after I left the kitchen. it's almost evening and almost time to activate my plan.

If you are wondering what this fuss is all about then I have to make things clear.

According to what I heard from the picture on the wall. I didn't do anything wrong...stop looking at me like that.

Ok, so my dad has this obsession with ruining the Italian mafia. The guy has been on his nerve and a thorn in his flesh which he has to remove...his words, not mine.

There's this big ball and every mafia family has to attend...basically anyone that has anything to do with the underworld...if you know what I mean.

So the plan is to blow the old motherfuckers head and get the hell outta there.

Poor old guy...never imagined his life being ended by a damsel, I won't say cut short because I believe the fool must have had a fair share of life. so I'm not cutting it short, just ending it.

"Gabriel, Gabriel, you can't run from me."

I'm basically echoing the whole house with my loud calling of Gabriel's name, but right now I didn't care.

After fifteen times of calling his name later...yes, I counted and no he didn't answer me, but I still found his babies.

If you are wondering...he's as single as can be and has no what could possibly be close to his heart to clean? His guns, duh.

"There you are, I've been looking all over for you" I said.

"So I've heard" Came his simple reply. This man feels like saying more than one word is a crime or a waste of breath. I'm not gonna hold him for that, the world is full of lousy people. Keep your thoughts to yourself, I'm not lousy.

"Let's get this done with," He said making his way to the bar we have in the sitting area.

No no no no I screamed in my head not that one. I quickly rushed to him and linked my elbow with his. I have to act and think fast, bring a better reason why we can't drink here.

"Not this one Gabriel, I don't want everyone giving those judgmental eyes when they see us drinking together, you know I can't handle it" I'm basically wearing my innocent face..fake it till you make it.

" I have the right place for us, come with me"  I told him dragging him by the elbow toward paradise.

" There's this special wine I've always wanted to try but there were just too many in the collection and it wasn't time to be tasted yet, but since you're here I wanna try it with you." I said as I opened the cellar door and drew him inside. Closing it successfully behind us.

"Make yourself comfortable while I bring the wine and the glasses."

I make a show of searching for the wine. Firstly to waste time, because, Gabriel has about thirty minutes before he leaves.

According to their plan, he leaves early and has everything ready before everyone comes an hour or two later. Secondly, I can't have him suspecting anything...what would he think if I just had it all set...well he might not suspect a thing...but it is never wrong to be careful.

"Got it," I said loud enough for him to hear me. I get myself the wine glass and get him a whiskey glass.

" Men like this glass more" I told him..handing him the whiskey glass while I quietly take my sit beside him.

" Why don't you do me the honor of opening the wine?" I said handing the bottle over to him. He took it from me muttering "Dramatic woman"

He opened the bottle with a loud popping sound while I clapped and cheered in achievement. Quietly he put the wine in my glass first and then in his. We toasted to nothing in particular as I took a sip of my wine, while I waited with bated breath as he swirled his wine in his cup...perfect, I thought to myself...quietly as and then slowly he took the whole drink in one gulp.

I watched silently as he raised his head to meet my innocent face...then I watched him struggle to form words as my face broke into a smile...

" " he slurred. I almost felt bad as I watched him.

But remembering I'll be helping him tonight while all he does is sleep peacefully I burned down any stupid regret. He made eye contact with me while he stumbled unsteadily on his feet.

"Come on Gabriel, don't look at me like that I'm only doing you a'll thank me don't struggle...just go to sleep, when you wake up everything will be alright."

He stumbled a few more times before finally going down into unconsciousness.

Let the game begin.


The game is on... What do you think guys? Thank you guys for your support so you all.

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