Chapter 32

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Just in time before the knife could reach Matthew, I hit the button just below him. I didn't even notice there was one before, it just happened at the last minute, and it was a fifty fifty decision. How the idea to hit that button came is beyond me, but I just knew something told me to try.

The bastards knew what they were doing when they told me to pull out the knife or my friend dies at the given time, they just wanted to keep me occupied with trying to to pull out the knife from it hold rather than try to look for a way to free Matthew from his chains, they were just playing me, they knew I didn't have enough time to figure out how to remove the knife, my focus should have been on freeing Matthew from his chains before the time up.

Matthew tried to catch his breath and I could just imagine what was going on in his mind, I just couldn't believe I was mere seconds from losing my best friend and it was right before my eyes but luckily I could do something about it. Those losers.

I turned to look at the knife which was now stuck to the wall, to think that it could have been stuck to my best friend's head, it wouldn't have been a pleasant sight.

"Am sure you just saw your life flash right before your eyes" I said as a way of elevating the mood, with the near death experience, we both needed humor even if our present situation didn't call for it.

"Tell me about it, damn that was one thrilling experience, damn girl, I knew you were a dump ass," at his words I chuckled, he could just say smart, but I guess that would cut his tongue off.

...."but I didn't know you were this dumb, like how the hell did you know there was a button there and just at the last minute? I sure would have had my brains licking out if you didn't hit that button," he said as he turned to look at me from where he was on the floor, and I could see the sincere appreciation in his eyes, if there was anyone who should be grateful, it's me, I got him into this situation and almost got him killed, I should be grateful that he is here by my side, I don't know what I would have done without him. Rather than giving him any answer, I sent him a wink which made him chuckle.

We were both on the floor trying to calm ourselves down when we heard the door opening, we didn't need to check who it was because his dark aura already filled the room, it follows him like a shadow or should I say a dark cloud since am sure even his shadow would be ashamed to be attached to such an evil person. I heard his footsteps approaching till they stopped beside me.

"I see you were able to save your friend, how interesting," he said with a tone to his voice I didn't like at all, he was also acting like he didn't know what went on in this room, I could tell he was watching us the whole time enjoying our suffering, there's an annoying tone to his voice, it was like he was happy Matthew is still alive, what is this? Was someone's life a game to them, am sure he already had a list of how to make us suffer.

He thinks he has the power, just you wait and see, you'll pay for everything you've done, that's a promise.

"You know maybe I made it a little easy, that's the last easy thing you'll be getting from me," he said with so much seriousness that the only thing I wanted to do was scratch his eyes out, I didn't even acknowledge his presence and I could tell Matthew didn't want anything to do with him either, if he was trying to get any reaction from me, he was sure wasting his time.

"Ignoring me are we?" The devil himself asked, if he thinks he'll get a word from me, he must be joking.

"Well, since you don't want to speak to me, I guess you'll like to speak to someone else," that got my attention, but I still didn't utter a word.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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