Chapter 14

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Just because I said I needed a cheap place to stay didn't mean I wanted to stay in a rundown house with a leaking roof and a street filled with crazy drunk men, there's no way anyone is going to reduce me to that.

I found a few houses online so I decided to pick an agent and so far, he hasn't done a good job of finding a place for me to stay.

I was already exhausted after all the house hunting, I just wanted to rest for today, but my agent assured me that we still had one more place to check before we called it a day, he was sure I was going to like the place.

I would have argued with him but I didn't have the energy for that. Instead, I followed him as we drove to our next location, reaching there I looked around and found the place a lot better than the previous ones we've checked, only from the environment I already liked it, he was correct when he said I'd like it.

He led the way as I followed closely behind him, the place was just perfect, it didn't look anything expensive nor did it look poor, just a house for a normal person, even if I was far from normal, not like anybody needed to know that.

The kitchen was small but moderate, there was just a room and the sitting room was just perfect, the wall was painted brown with a little touch of black and white, it was just my style.

After checking everything and confirming that I was okay with it, we signed the necessary documents and I was given the keys to the apartment. I thanked the agent as he drove away while I got a taxi and made my way back to the hotel.

Back in my hotel room, I packed all my belongings as I prepare to move into my new apartment. I thanked the staff I recognized before I checked out and left.

I got a taxi and he drove me to my new apartment.

Entering the house, I examined the place one more time, I went into the bedroom and took the few clothes I had to the closet.

I needed to do more shopping, both for things in the kitchen, infact I needed things for the whole house, after all, I just moved into a new country with absolutely nothing.

Later in the evening when I had exhausted myself cleaning the house and getting everything I could in order, especially the bedroom, even though I couldn't finish everything.

I became very hungry and needed to eat, my paranoid self didn't want to go out yet, I was still struggling in my shell, maybe I could just order.

So after contemplating, I finally decided to order something. I ordered Chinese food.

As I waited for my food to come, I played a game on my phone to keep myself busy, about twenty minutes later I heard the doorbell ring. I stood up to go open the door but before doing that I checked through the peephole to see a man holding a bag which I guess contained my food.

I opened the door and took the bag paying him the money and leaving him a generous tip. Thanking him, I closed the door going back inside.

I ate the food not leaving anything on the plate, after all, I've always loved my food.

I needed a bath after all the work I had done throughout the day, a hot shower would do me good.

I haven't been able to purchase anything for the house, but I at least had soap to shower with, I took my shower spending a lot of time because I needed my stress to be let out, maybe my problem would go down the drain with the water.

After my shower, I made my way out of the bathroom, just as I step foot in the room, I heard my phone start to ring, my heart skipped at the sound, I don't remember giving anyone my new contact detail, I clearly remember that I just got this number not even up to two days ago.

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