Chapter 21

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After dropping her at the hospital, we made sure she was okay, we called her family and they were so grateful for helping their daughter, we said our goodbyes promising to check on her again before we left.

"What were you thinking?" Matthew suddenly asked, I looked at him in question because I didn't really understand what he was talking about.

"Don't act all innocent on me, what were you thinking acting super woman?"

Oh that, I didn't know saving someone was a crime, no wonder he had been quiet all this while, was he expecting me to wait till that man had killed her before I did something?

"So what? I shouldn't have saved her?" I asked him.

"No, that's not what I'm trying to say," came his response, I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Then make me understand what you are actually implying,"

"What if something had actually happened to you before anyone arrived?" he asked......I could definitely take care of myself, it's not like I was surrounded by hundred men, it's just one man and maybe he forgot I had everything under control before they showed up,

"I'm sure you can still remember that I had him under me when you got there, so I don't understand why you're making a fuss out of nothing," I said to him, challenging him with my eyes to say otherwise, he looked at me before sagging his shoulders in defeat, by that, I knew I already won the argument.

"I was just so worried about you, how funny it was to see my best friend playing super woman and being on top of an insane man, I just couldn't believe my eyes, I saw red when I saw him attempt to hit you with his stupid head," he said with a frown on his face.

" I'm here now and I'm okay," I said to him as I brought him into a hug,

"But you know I'm actually proud of you, you playing super hero, you saved someone, maybe I should call you super hero from now on," he said mockingly.

I chuckled and gave him a small hit on the back,........I heard him mutter "No, shorty is better," annoying frog, I wasn't in the mood to argue with him, besides it was very late I needed rest.

Matthew and I made our way back to the house as he decided he would spend the night seeing it was very late and he was too tired to drive back.

We reached my place and I got out of the car waiting for Matthew to park his car well so we could go inside, when I saw that he had parked the car and was making his way towards me I turned to start walking inside.

" Wait for me shorty," he said it in a low voice but because it was night he sounded loud,....."Shut it down will you," I whispered to him... "people are sleeping,"

He made a motion of zipping his mouth before following closely behind me.

We got into my apartment as I spotted the ice cream I was having which had already melted.

"Were you having ice cream for dinner?" Matthew asked looking at me with a raised brow, I just shrugged my shoulders.

"That's what I had available," I said.

He looked at me like I was purposely suffering myself when luxury was right in front of me, yeah, whatever, I thought silently to myself, I can afford my own food, I don't need to call him everytime, even if he orders the best food and make the best spaghetti.

"I'm off to bed," I said to him before making my way to my room, I was so tired and all I needed to do was to just pass out in my bed.

Shortly after I climbed on my bed Matthew joined me, I didn't pay him any attention because I've come to terms with the fact that when he wants to do something, nobody can stop him, it doesn't matter how many times I've kicked him out of my bed, he always still sleeps there whenever he decides to sleep over, and worst of all he snores, even if it's light, it's still snoring and he kicks around, it's always horrible, but I survive each time.

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