Chapter 25

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I just can't believe that Luca actually hit my car making it swirl and throwing me out of track, but instead of him taking that advantage to overtake me, rather my car blocked him because he couldn't drive pass as my car continue swirling, it would definitely lead to an accident, was he that desperate to win?

I took back the wheel of my car and quickly reversed, and instead of driving with my car front faced forward, I rather faced the back of my car forward as I looked at him through my car front glass, his car had stopped and he was trying to roll it back on track,

Still looking at him although I know he couldn't see me I gave a smirk as I  started driving in reverse towards the finish line, I didn't care if people were behind if they have value for their lives they wouldn't stand in my way.

I saw his car started driving towards me, but he was too late, because I had already past the finish line.

Loser. I laugh internally.

I got out of my car and was surrounded by cheering people, the ladies were already giving me seductive looks, an invitation to hook up.

I watched as my cousin came out of his car  glaring at me.

I managed to get myself away from the people surrounding me as I made my way to him, before he could say a word, I greeted him with a punch,

"Chill dude, it's just for fun," he said as he tried to flex his jaw,

"Try that again and you'll be getting more than just a blow to your cheek," I said to him in anger, I know Lucas, and he had never been one to play fair, he always does that and at the end I still win, I don't know when he'll come to terms with that and grow up.

"Come on, I didn't mean to hit you like that, it was an accident, you take things too personal," he said as he brought his hand on shoulder, I shrugged it away not having time for his nonsense.

"Beat you next time," I said to him before making my way back to my car and driving away from the race club, I had more important things to do, things that didn't involve racing.

The American scum who brew half of my cargo thought he could get away with it, I had already made up my mind that I wouldn't let his sister go until he pays every dime of what he cost me.

I arrived at my warehouse that looks to anyone like a normal family house but what goes on inside had nothing to do with family except you're talking about the mafia family, I got inside the warehouse and was greeted by my men guarding the gate, I made my way further inside, everyone was busy with one thing or the other but as they spotted me they came to a halt,

Marshall one of my men came forward to greet me,

"Welcome Don, everything is ready," he said while I scan the place with my hands folded behind my back,........"then let's begin," I said as I turned my attention back on him,

He turned to the other men who still stood in place waiting for the order to carry on,...."Everyone, carry on," Marshall said as he instructed them to continue what they were doing, and immediately everyone went back to what they were doing, Marshall is in charge of all our weapons in this warehouse, anything happens to them, he answers to me.

"Follow me," I said to Marshall as he followed behind me with few appointmented men as I began walking to the room where I'll be meeting a certain someone.

We got to the room which had just a table and a chair like an interrogation room, only if you are told you can never know what more this room contains, I made my way to table which looked like a normal table, but was anything far from it.

As I shifted it to the side, not a single noise was made as the table gave way to reveal a secret passage with stairs leading down.

I began the descend down the stairs where a certain someone was kept, in this particular room, I can make a call to any part of the world and nobody can track it, no matter how they are good at it.

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