21. Escaping To Gravesfield (Requested)

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"We're almost... at the forest... Ruddiger..." I wheezed.

Ruddiger trilled nervously.

My mind was in a state of panic as I continued to hear the constant shouting of the Captain and the loud footsteps. They were catching up to me pretty quickly, but they were all out of my length of vision.

Suddenly, I spotted a tree up ahead with a low branch that could easily support my weight. I decided that this was my best option of escape knowing that the guards couldn't currently see me. It was a foolproof plan.

"Hold on, Ruddiger," I warned my raccoon friend.

I increased my speed as I approached the tree I was targeting with my eyes on the lowest branch. When I got close enough, I raised both of my arms up in the air and jumped as high as I could, hoping that I would be able to reach the branch.

Upon impact, I had shut my eyes. Realizing I had stopped, I opened my eyes and sighed in relief when I saw that my hands were tightly clutching onto the branch. As quickly as I could manage, I swung myself onto the branch and began to climb the tree as high as I could climb. Focusing on the task ahead, I ignored the dizzy feeling in my head as I went higher. Now was not the time for screwing up like always. I had to focus on my survival because my life was on the line.

One small slip-up could ruin everything I had set up to plan this escape, and I was not willing to let that happen.

"Hey, where'd the kid go?" The Captain pondered. He and the other guards had paused right beneath the tree I was hidden in. My heart was beating a million miles per second.

"I'm not sure. Should we keep searching?" Pete answered.

The Captain nodded. "Alright, men, let's keep going. He's bound to be around here somewhere."

The sounds of the guards' footsteps slowly faded as they all ran from the tree. I could feel my heartbeat slow down a little as I carefully made my way down the tree. Once I made it to the forest floor, I dusted my clothes off, made sure Ruddiger was ok, then started to walk in a different direction than the guards were. I could feel a sharp pain in both my legs from how sore and bruised they were. I wasn't in much of a good shape, but that wasn't an excuse to stop now. I knew I had to keep moving forward, even if I felt I couldn't handle it.

Ruddiger suddenly chirped and I turned my attention towards him.

"What is it, Ruddiger?"

The raccoon pointed his dark paw ahead. My eyes followed where he was pointing and I let out a quiet gasp.

There was an interdimentional portal right in front of us.

There was a swirling mix of blue, green, and yellow in this portal, and it even sparkled in the sunlight.

"What is that and what is it doing here?"

I approached the portal with caution. I could hear some voices coming from the other side of it, but none of them sounded familiar.

"Maybe it would be safe if I go into it," I suggested. "Nobody on the other side of that portal will know me. I could ask them for help."

Ruddiger appeared to be unsure, but I wouldn't let him stop me. This was my chance to go someplace safe.

This was my chance to be somewhere that I belonged.

Without giving it much of a second thought, I confidently walked through the shiny portal, leaving all that I used to call home behind.

The inside of the portal made me feel tingly as I walked through it. It was definitely the weirdest feeling I had felt in a while. Thankfully, I was out of the portal very quickly, and I was now in a new location. I glanced down at the ground and noticed that I was standing on a wooden porch of some sort. In fact, I had teleported onto a small, wooden house.

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