"You're putting too much clothes," he suddenly said, now what was his perverted mind thinking? my question was answered as he used the knife and started tearing off my clothes, what is he trying to do? he cut my shirt to pieces and then dragged it from my body, then he went down to my trouser, he cut the whole thing off me but there was a part of the trouser that couldn't be pulled off me because I was tied up, so it was left hanging awkwardly.

Silence reigned in the room before the evil beast finally spoke, "am going to brand you and leave you to face the temperature of this room," he said and I didn't understand what he meant until the man who was standing watching what was going on quietly handed him an iron which had a round tip that was burning red, I swear at that moment I could hear my hear beat very loudly in my ears.

The beast took the iron from him, and turned to me with a smirk on his face, the bastard. Before I could even blink he had the hot iron pressed on my left thigh, I tried, I really tried, but I couldn't hold my shaking, it hurt like fuck, I closed my eyes to controlled my pain at at the same time hold back the stupid tears that threatened to make it way out of my eyes, at that moment I was grateful they choose to tape my mouth because am sure I would have been a screaming mess.

When the stupid bastard felt he had branded my left thigh to his satisfaction, he removed the iron which has now roasting part of my flesh, he gave me satisfied smirk as if asking, "what now?"

He took off the tape from my mouth expecting me to be quiet now but I disappointed him, as soon as the tape was off my mouth, I dug my grave further as I said with the little energy I had "Is that all you've got?" Am sure he wasn't expecting that or if he was he didn't show it,

"Like I said," he said while circling me, "that was me branding you, let's just say that is your welcome party to the beginning of your suffering,"

Instead of keeping my mouth shut like anyone in my situation would do, I still opened my mouth to say "such a party, you should have a champagne to celebrate after all, but I don't see one, maybe you want to use my blood for champagne, because you're already barbecuing my flesh, I wouldn't be surprised by that,"

His response was to place the stupid hot iron on my right thigh therefore branding my both thigh, I swear I could pee my pant any moment, it hurt like a bitch. I think his new hubby is roasting my skin, he threw the hot iron somewhere in the room them ordering the man to tape back my mouth before angrily storming out.

I breathe out a sigh of relief releasing the breath I have been holding ever since he entered the room.

My legs were hurting as both wounds were open and I wasn't wearing any clothes, I didn't know what time it was or where I was, but I had a feeling it was already night, because the temperature of the room suddenly dropped further and it was hella freezing, I couldn't even bring my hands up to rub on my body to generate warmth, my hands were tied.

I clenched my hands as my body began to shake, I don't think I've experienced this kind of cold before.

I don't know when I slept off, but I was woken up with freezing water being poured on me, what the fuck!!? Not like my agony could be heard with the way my mouth was sealed with a tape, my body was already freezing cold, now someone had to still pour cold water on me, am in a torture room after all, what was I expecting?

"Wakey wakey sleepy head," that stupid voice I wanted to never to hear spoke, "you indeed survived it, I was worried I wouldn't be able to inflict more pain on you if I found you dead," he taunted.

I think it's the joy of torturing me because there was an unreadable glint in his eyes. The bastard.

I was holding my teeth so bad from gnashing but my efforts were in vain as because there were certain things your body couldn't take as a human no matter how you tried. I closed my eyes to gain control of my body but I was loosing the fight, not to mention the fact that I just recovered from being ill.

"Nothing to say today?" He asked as he raised one brow at me, one of these days, when I have the opportunity I'm going to scrap off that brow, let's see the brow he's going to be raising at me.

I just rolled my eyes at his question, another sand dug out of my grave, but did I care? no.

"I would have loved to see you die like a frozen chicken, but it's not time for you to die, that would be too merciful," he said as he took a menacing step towards me as he squat just like he did yesterday before roasting my skin, "am going to hurt you, heal you, let you get to used to being healed then hurt you again, you'll never know when am coming to take a piece of your skin till there's nothing left on you,"

I just continue staring at him passing all the hate I could through my eyes.

He suddenly stood straight and made a motion with his hand as if calling his minion, and just as expected a man came forward, how many of these men does he have? that's actually a stupid question to ask when I know he's a Don, of course he has a whole army at his command.

The man came to stand next to him and I watched as the devil himself whispered something to him, the man nodded and left the room, I watched as the beast walked to the far end of the room then he bent to open a drawer bringing out a bottle of whiskey, like seriously he was drinking this early in the morning.

"You said we should celebrate with a drink, so let's do it," he said as he made his way back to me, I didn't have a good feeling about this, I watched his every move not even blinking, he opened the drink and poured himself some in the glass he was holding, then took a sip as he advanced towards, he had the bottle in his left hand and the glass in the other, before I could understand what he was doing, he opened the bottle and poured the drink on my both thigh from the burn he gave me, I don't think even when the hot iron was placed on my skin it hurt as much as him pouring whiskey on me. Fuck!! I cried internally.

"By the way, I have a surprise for you," just as he uttered the words, the man from earlier who he whispered to returned with a man who could barely stand on his feet, the man was thrown to the ground beneath me as he groan in pain, I looked up at the evil beast in confusion then looked down at the man laying on the ground, he looked dirty, but when I examined him closely I recognized the hair color and as the man turned which enabled me to see his face, I stopped breathing.



So guys just to let you all know, when she says devil himself of evil beast, she's referring to Dante.

Love you all, remember to vote this chapter, also let me know what you think of the chapter.

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