I arrived at work ten minutes late,  I went to check our mails to see if any customers had any complains or there was something they needed, luckily there was no complain, but about six of our customers placed different orders, so I took down the orders and gave them to Grace to see to it that they're picked and delivered.

I carried on with my day forgetting that I haven't had anything to eat until my stomach growled, it was embarrassing, thank God no one was within earshot,

It was already time for my lunch, so I took my bag and made my way out the door to eat lunch in one of the restaurants we had not too far from our store, the road was a little busy so I kept on avoiding bumping into people.

I was about to cross over to the next building when my phone rang, I picked it up without looking at the caller,..."hello," I said as I waited for the caller to speak, but there was just silence, who could it be? I asked my self,..."hello," I said again but still there was no answer, I looked at my phone and saw that the call had been disconnected, I checked the number and it was an unknown number, I scrunch my brows in confusion because I've never been called by that number, I put my phone back in my bag and just as I moved about five steps forward, my phone again rang,

"Hello, how can I help you?" I said to the caller angrily, it was annoying to call someone and not say anything,

"Well, well, aren't you being too rude Cara," at the mention of my real name from the phone number that only people who knew me as Jenny had, my heart sank, I think it did more than that, it stopped beating,

"It's been a really long time, you seem to have been having a good time, did I disturb you? " the voice asked,

"Who are you?" I asked, but I think I already knew that answer even before I asked, there was only one person am running from and there's only one person who would speak to me sounding like that, like finally he got me.

"I think we already know, you know who I am, we don't need introductions do we? by the way, hope you got my note? he asked,

My heart skipped, oh my god! I thought Matthew sent it, I was still carrying the bag from yesterday so I quickly fetched the envelope, still with the phone to my ear, I opened it with shaky hands and the note simply read;

"See you soon Cara."

If only I was more careful I would have seen this yesterday, then I would have been prepared.

I know he was watching me, he didn't have a hold on me yet, so I could make an escape while I still have the chance, but as I turned to make a move,  I heard the the voice say..."if I were you, I wouldn't do that,"  it was like he read my thoughts,  "move one step and you'll have innocent bloods on your hands, you wouldn't like it if bodies start falling dead because of your disobedience, or would you?"

I looked to my left and right and saw busy people just passing going about their business, I didn't want to be responsible for anyone's dead, he could be bluffing which I doubt, but I didn't want to find out, I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt, I could disconnect the call and try to make a run, but what guarantee do I have that I won't be caught even before I make two steps, either ways there was no getting out of this, they found me.

They were watching me, that I was sure of, because as he saw I wasn't making any move to run he spoke,....."wise choice, be a good girl and turn around," I did as he instructed, "look to your left, you'll find a black van," I looked to my left and just like he said there was a black van there, "now slowly walk there, no funny business, you know what happens if you try to act smart," he said as I began  walking towards the van, my heart was beating twenty times more than the normal rate, if not even more, as I got closer to the van, I knew that one way or the order, I wasn't going to make it out alive once I stepped into the van,

But somewhere within me, a new courage just blossomed, I knew that their plan is to see me dead, but if am going down, I won't go down without a fight, they won't see me cry, I will never beg, I will never show them any fear, with that in mind I finally stepped into the van with a smile on my face.

"Did you guys miss me? " I asked with my brows raised, if they were surprised they didn't show,

"Okay so when are you gonna knock me out?" My question was answered as I felt a cloth covered against my nose, they would have just told me they were gonna do it immediately, nothing looked normal again, as the world was spinning before I felt darkness consume me.

When I woke up, things were just not right, not that I was expecting it to be but why did it feel like I was tied.....I gasped as I realized I was being tied upside down, good thing I choose to wear trousers, my hair was handing down and when I looked to my legs, they were chained my hands were also tied.

Well if this is how they planned to kill me, it actually going to work very fast because  it felt like my blood all rushed to my head, not like I expected to be comfortable but this was as uncomfortable as fuck.

I heard the sound of keys like someone was trying to open the door, and it gave me a sense of deja Vu, the time I fell asleep in the plane when I made my escape to London, but this time I wasn't sitting, I was rather hanging.

The person made their way to me as he squat to my level, there was a menacing look on his face but I didn't show any fear, he'll have to do more than that to scare me, even death at the moment didn't scare me.

"For your own sake you better tame that sassy attitude you're planning to show, you wouldn't like what the Don would do to you when he comes down here, the only reason you're still alive is because he plans on dealing with you that even when you beg for death, you won't see it." he said as he looked me in the eyes, I gave him a wink which seems to infuriate him because his little speech was just a waste.

"Should I be scared because your boss is going to skin me alive or maybe set me on fire, or maybe feed me to crocodiles, you know I've actually thought of that, at the end of the day, it all leads to death," I said as I tried to adjust my shoulders because the pain was becoming unbearable.

The man looked at me one last time before shaking his head and standing up, he made his way out of the cell locking the door back.

If I knew my day was going to end up like this I would have at least had something to eat, now I understood why breakfast was considered the most important meal of the day, you never know if you would live to take the next meal.

Sometime later when my head was almost filled with my blood, I heard the cell door being opened, by the way the temperature of the room dropped, I knew the ice king just entered,

"You actually look like a lamb ready for slaughter, I think the only thing left is to start a fire, don't you think so?" I heard the ice cold voice of the same voice that spoke to me on the phone, I was in the room with my number one enemy;

Don Dante Lorenzo.


Oh no, she's in the dragons claws, what is she going to do now?

I feel like she's a good person, not everyone gives a fuck if someone is being shot as long as they're okay, no one else mattered, but she choose to give herself rather then letting the crazy Don start shooting innocent people because of her.

So the question of the day;

Would you have tried to escape even after being told innocents would die if you make a move?

Let me know your answers.

Thank you all for reading.

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